chapter 27.1: call it what you want

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A/N: The photo is how I picture Stan. Short chapter. Just here to say that the title is one silly joke so don't get your hopes up.
It would be mad cool if you voted 🫶🫶
Love y'all 🫶🫶

*feel free to skip this*
(Aidan, if ur reading this, don't. I'm not joking. Actually don't. I will find out and I will be mad.)
Y'all I'm gonna info dump on my life real quick cuz it's fk hell like dafuck and I need to write it down 😃. You're telling me my arch nemesis teacher is one of my most important teachers???? Didn't think so. Guess who's gonna start skipping class 💅
And my mom is going commando to speak with the principal cuz we had problems with the teacher last year and the school promised i wouldn't have her this year 😻 my mother might even switch me schools 🤭🤭
I cried on September 1 before even getting there bc of that 🤪
Also broke up with my gf -which was a good thing- but now it's awkward between us cuz we're still friends
And my childhood bestfriend is barely talking to me bc our moms have beef 🥰🥰
And I'm back from vacation and my country is so depressing. The weather's so dog shit I feel like the blue-gray Twilight filter is on. I wanna get out of here so bad. And let's not forget about the jet lag that is still here after a week. Like bro go away school is starting.
Also, my mom's back with her abusive bf which is great 😀😃😄😁🔫
My dog is kinda sick so yea and he almost ran away last night

Like gurly idk who I killed in a previous life to get this karma 👹
Idk what I'd do if I didn't have my dog, Taylor and Shakira 😄💥

Ty for reading this if u did 🫵♥️

Third week of October, Saturday

"¡Mira, no quiero problemas porque tu no sabes callarte!" Wednesday said, while continuing to do her sit-ups.
She was quite angry. To be frank, Alice was the only reason I wasn't failing Spanish class, and I couldn't understand a word from her conversation with Stan.
"¡Por supuesto, madre!"
Stan stopped doing sit-ups and looked over at Wednesday. The dumb grin on his face made it seem like he was proud of what he'd just said.
"¡Cállate pues! Él va a volver, y ambos nosotros vamos a empezar esto de nuevo."
Stan sighed and got back to his exercises.
"You're no fun," he said with a strong accent.
"Lo sé."
The quietness came back when they shut their mouths. The order to clear some stuff by the bleachers had been given by the school, and coach Marcus was doing just that. But of course he had to make us do some stupid exercises. He couldn't have us clear the bleachers and call it a warmup. Instead, he said that, as a group, we were going to have done over 1500 sit-ups when he got back. 'IN SILENCE', he had added. Except we didn't know when Marcus would be done. We could always try to lie, but somehow he was pretty good at estimating what each of us was capable of doing. And about three people had skipped practice, including Blake. But they had an excuse: the full moon was coming up, and as a recently bitten werewolf, it must be quite intense for them.
"How many, Addams?" Stan asked.
"Shut up, taco, Marcus is gonna make us do extra shit because of you!" some blonde girl whispered angrily.
Stan and Wednesday looked at each other, and he burst out laughing. Wednesday cracked a smile.
"You just called me 'taco'?" Stan giggled.
"I mean, if you wanted to be accurate it should've been 'paella' but okay," Wednesday added.
Stan laughed harder and even teared up a bit. He was so easily entertained. The girl who had made the comment was taken aback, not expecting that reaction.
"Taco?? Really?"
He could not be stopped anymore.
"Yeah, whatever!" the girl replied.
"Taco? That's shit's funny—"
"Could've used some more imagination, if you ask me," Wednesday said.
"True, even though—"
"Can everybody please quiet down? No one wants extra exercises here," I asked calmly.
They stopped.
"Sinclair's got a point," I heard someone say.
Wednesday sighed.
"Sure," Stan said.
"Whatever, Enid," Wednesday mumbled, rolling her eyes.


"Decent practice, everyone! See you next week!" Marcus said. "Don't forget stuff here, I am reselling what's left behind. Don't care if it's a water bottle or an Apple Watch!"
It caused a chain reaction of everyone taking their things from the bench everything was on. I waited for most of them to be done, then I quickly grabbed my phone and my sweater, and then put it on. It was starting to get colder and colder. And I really hoped that we could get an hour in an actual sports hall when it was pouring or worse.

I mean, they can't make us run outside if it's snowing, right?

Autumn could be a bitch. Especially here. And don't get me started on winter. Pretty, yes, but deadly.
"Oh, and people," Marcus started, "thank you for doing what I ask you to when I tell you to be quiet!"
No, no, no, practice was over; he couldn't make us do exercises again.
"Stan and Wednesday, you guys are staying a little longer."
All the rest sighed in relief, happy to be able to enjoy their Saturday with functioning knees.
"¡Qué pendejo!" Stan mumbled.
"What'd you say, Ruiz?"
"He said '¿Qué he hecho?', coach," Wednesday was quick to respond.
"No one asked you, Addams."
I did not want to hear the rest of the altercation, knowing fully well that it was going nowhere. So I walked back to the dorm, hoping to get there before the other girls so I wouldn't have to shower with cold water.


After putting on some sweatpants and a T-shirt, I dried my hair off one last time and hung the towel back on its hook in the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of me in the mirror. The dye on my hair tips had completely faded out. I shook it off and went back to my room and took my phone. No notifications.
"NO WAY, SHUT UP!" came from the common room.
"I didn't say anything!" someone giggled.
I heard several people laughing from there too, and I decided to go see what was going on.
Half the dorm was there; only Chloe, Tatum and Cascina were missing. Even Thing was there on the armrest of the couch.
"What's special about you anyway?" Alice asked. "Because, see, Chloe and I are witches... Well, kind of. Yoko is a vampire—"
"Haha, didn't notice," Stan joked, mimicking her sunglasses with his hands.
"What is he doing here?" I asked, making my presence noticed.
"Look who got out of her cave!" Yoko exclaimed.
"Shut up, you're sounding like my mom."
"To answer your question," Alice started, "he was dropping off Wednesday and I invited him in."
"He's one funny dude," Yoko said.
"This is a girls dorm. He's not supposed to be in here."
"Chill out, Enid. You have no problem bringing your boyfriend in here so..."
I wasn't going to win this one. I sat down on the couch next to Thing and started scrolling on Instagram.
"So what's your thing, Stan?"
"Yes, I never thought of asking you that," Wednesday said.
"Well, I see things."
"No way! ¿No eres ciego?" Wednesday gasped in irony.
"What kind of things?" Alice asked.
"Colors, shapes— I can pretty much read a room and know what's going on or what's about to happen."
"Could you be any less specific?" Wednesday asked. "¿No tienes nada verdad?"
He rolled his eyes at her, which would usually mean a death sentence, but Wednesday didn't do anything about it.
"No, and actually, it's quite useful. For example: you're something between maroon and dark, deep purple..."
"Makes sense," Yoko said.
"Alice is very light blue, and the color is constant."
He got closer to her.
"Are you on something right now?" Stan asked.
Alice looked at us.
"I am actually, I'm taking some light painkillers; bloody rolled ankle," she said, cursing out that injury. "Pretty impressive, Stan."
"Thank you, thank you."
"So what? You can read people's aura or something?" I said.
"Nah, it's not like that. It's more about feelings and stuff."
"Kind of like mind reading," Alice guessed.
"Yes, it's pretty much mind reading."
There was a second of blank in the room.
"But you can't really know what we're thinking about, right?" Yoko asked nervously.
"Only the feelings. I can guess the rest, though."
Yoko sighed in relief. And she wasn't the only one.
"Good thing."
"So it's nothing like mind reading," I pointed out.
"You can call it what you want." He turned to me. "Whatever, Enid."
I was done with this. I stood up and headed to my room.

Fuck this guy.

He knew exactly what he had done.
"I'm going to go check on her," I heard Alice say.

Please don't, leave me alone.

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