chapter 12: charming, if a little gauche

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"Are you really that tired?" Enid asked.
I had just yawned, all the events from the night before and the last day itself were catching up with me.
As afternoon snack, her father had made us some killer waffles, as Anthony liked to call them. It was a blast with just the five of us at the table: only Enid, her brothers, her father and I, since Enid's mother was still working. Most of the conversation consisted of them gossiping about Mrs. Sinclair's side of the family, profiting from her absence. For a whole five minutes, Mr. Sinclair held a monologue about Enid's aunt Cassie. Then Jared complained about some cousin who didn't come. Then he complained about the cousins who did come but really shouldn't have. All of that was very entertaining, and by the time we all finished, I had blackmail material for  almost every single family member of Enid's. After that, we played FIFA again, and that time Jared and Anthony didn't even score once. We did that until Enid's mother called us for dinner.
We had finished eating half an hour earlier, and I was ready to sleep as my digestion began.
"I didn't sleep that well last night."
She pouted. "Maybe we should sleep directly after the movie then," she said.
Both of us were sitting on her bed, leaning against the wall, with our eyes glued to the screen of her MacBook that she had in her lap. The only other source of light in the room came from the skylight, through which the last rays of sunshine of the day could still pass.
"Or maybe we could sleep now."
I slipped further under the covers.
"Please just watch until she turns into a 30-year-old? It's not even 9 PM!"
She made the puppy eyes again.

You're stronger than that, Addams.

"I'm really tired," I stated, turning over so that my back was facing her. "What does this generation have with early 2000s movies anyway?" I mumbled.
Her mouth dropped open in exaggerated shock.
"There must be at least one 2000s movie you like," she said.
I thought for a second. She wasn't wrong.
"The devil wears Prada is a pretty good one."
"That's what we're watching tomorrow then!"
I sighed. As I closed my eyes, I heard her closing her laptop.
"Continue watching the movie if you want to," I said. "I like background noise to fall asleep."
"What about music?"
I hummed in approval and, not much later, she climbed over me to put her phone on the bedside table. A soft melody escaped from it.
"I put folklore on shuffle," she informed me when she carefully climbed back to her side of the bed without bumping her head against the ceiling.
"You don't put albums on shuffle. Never."
"Well, I do," she replied as she slipped under the covers as well.
There we were, sharing a bed, again. I think we both realized it at the same time. I had to break the silence.
"Nice song."
"The last great American dynasty," she said. "The superior song on folklore."
"Say that to Pugsley and you're going to be in some trouble,"
I commented.
"He listens to Taylor Swift?!"
I could hear the excitement in her voice.
I changed my position a bit.
"Hey! You're taking all the blanket!" she protested.
"No I'm not," I said with my eyes still closed.
"Yes you are!"
On the last syllable, she pulled the blanket completely to her side, leaving me cold. I turned to her, she was leaning on her elbow, with the blanket in her free hand. I tried to grab it, but she pulled the blanket away at the last second.
"Don't play games with me like that, Sinclair."
"What are you gonna do about it, Addams?"
She came closer. Dangerously close.
Too close. I backed off, almost falling out of the bed.
"Are you okay, Wednesday?" she chuckled.
I gave her a deadpan look. Even though she couldn't see it, at least she could feel it.
"For real, though, you good?"
I could hear in her tone that she was trying not to laugh this time.
"Yes. You know what? I would do even better if you gave me that blanket back," I said in my most monotone voice.
When I tried to take the blanket back again, she didn't react. I just felt her looking me in the eyes. Then she moved her hand and first placed it on my shoulder.
She then moved it to my cheek. "Is it okay if I-"
I didn't let her finish and crashed my lips against hers. Well, I tried. Because of the darkness, I miserably missed and kissed her on that area between her nose and her upperlip.
I tried to kiss her again.
"Don't smile, you're not helping."
Of course, that caused her grin to widen. Her hand was now on my neck and she pulled me closer. So close that our foreheads were almost touching. She didn't miss when she tried to kiss me. For some reason, it was like all my senses increased tenfold. Suddenly I was hyperaware of everything. Aware of my hands on her waist, aware of her hands, one lost in my hair, the other still on my cheek. Aware of every single place our bodies touched. I could smell the perfume she had used even more. I could feel how soft her lips were. I could hear every shallow breath she took in between kisses.
At some point we parted for a longer time. Both of her hands were around my neck, keeping me close to her. She rested her head on my cheek for a while.
"This is okay, right?" Enid asked again.
I moved my hand from her waist to the back of her head.
"It is."
She pulled me even closer.
"I've wanted to do this for a while now."
I didn't know what to say, so I just cupped her cheek and kissed her again. Then I felt how my head threw itself back.

High trees. Very high trees. Fog. The forest was overall spooky but also had something comforting about it. I heard some screams coming from behind-


"Not. Now."
"OUCH, Enid! Did you just-"
"Shut up," she said affectionately, kissing me again.
She caressed my cheek.
"Sorry." She kissed me. "Sorry." She kissed me. "I tried shaking you awake..." She kissed me. "...but it didn't work..." She kissed me. " I tried something else." She kissed me.
"It's okay."
Only because it was her. Anybody else would already have lost some teeth/fingers/(family) members. I felt that my cheeks were growing red, and not only because of the slap.
For some time we just lay there, in each other's arms. Her head was on my chest. One of my hands was on her neck, while the other one was in her hair. Kind of like the day before. Except she was more confident in her position, with a leg thrown over mine and both her arms enlacing me even more tightly. In fact, it felt completely different than the night before. It felt weird, but natural at the same time.
I was fighting against sleep to enjoy that moment for a little while. The music was still playing, and a new song started.

Vintage tee, brand new phone
High heels on cobblestones

I knew -I felt- that she wasn't sleeping either. But did she enjoy it as much as I secretly did?
"I really like you", she murmured. "Like really."

When you are young they assume you know nothing

And if that was even possible, I blushed even more. She moved her hand again,without even looking, and put it right on my face.
"What are you doing?" I managed to articulate under her hand.
"I want to feel you smile."
"Well," I started while taking her hand out of my face, "I won't give you that satisfaction."
"I know you smiled, that's satisfaction enough."
She interlaced our fingers.
"I really don't know what I would've done if you hadn't accepted to come here. I'm so effing happy with you being here."
"You know, I think I smiled enough for a lifetime here with you." I sighed. "So thank you."

Then when I felt like I was an old cardigan, under someone's bed

I brought her hand back to my lips and kissed it.

You put me on and said I was your favorite

Not so long after that, she fell asleep, and so did I.

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