chapter 24.1

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A/N: hi guys, thank you so much for all the reads and votes!! my story is decently ranked again and is getting even more reads a day than it used to.
now unrelated, but i saw spider-man ATSV (no spoilers in this a/n, pls put a spoiler warning if you're commenting about it) and omfg it's so good, i hadn't seen a movie that great in a LONG time. istg the music, the visuals, the characters, the plot... so now i'm back in my spider-man phase
idk if any of y'all would be interested in gwen and miles one shots let me know bc I might write some anyway (istg this movie did something to me, i hadn't been rooting for a hetero couple in YEARS)

also, i was wondering what your thoughts were about the rumors of gwen being trans. i personally think that everyone can think what they want bc sony is never going to confirm whether she's trans or cisgender. so both her being cis or trans would be headcanons to me since nothing has been confirmed. either way, i'm so on my knees for her.
but idk, what do you guys think?

First week of October, Saturday

The clock hands seemed to be frozen in the last position I saw them in every time I looked at the clock of the trashy classroom I was stuck in for the entire afternoon.
I had first gotten Saturday detention because I may or may not have played the cello until the sunrise after our talk. Medina was not happy with it and had summoned me to his office. When I talked back, explaining that that was my way of dealing with the adolescent age and everything that comes with it, and explaining that I could've vandalized something instead, he made me stay after school hours that whole week. Again. And that way a pattern was created: I get summoned to the counselor, she sends me to the principal, Medina gives me his speech, I talk back, I get detention. Getting a full week of detention happened three times, but eventually the teachers complained because I was the only one there every time, and eventually I only got Saturdays. Which couldn't be more perfect because it fell right during the athletics practice hours. And I also got to do my homework during those four hours. But it got boring once I was done. Lately, I didn't even have inspiration for my novel, so I couldn't even write. I was actively thinking about starting another, a different, novel, but again: no inspiration whatsoever. I even tried drawing, and I did get better, but it still wasn't my thing.
And at that moment, I had nothing to do, so I was just watching the seconds pass. There were thirty minutes left, just like the last time I looked at the clock. And the time before that. But a miracle happened.
"Look, Miss Addams, it's my Saturday too, we're both done with working. Just get back to your dorm and don't tell principal Medina," the detention teacher said.
It was the third time I got her. The last two times were Friday afternoons in nearly empty classrooms.
"Thank you."
Every teacher was already so done with Medina's way of doing things and how he wanted to control everything to prove that he somehow had more power than anyone else on the campus, and that was a perfect example. He was also focusing on the wrong stuff. Like trying to use me as a discipline example but not doing anything about the boys bullying Eugene.
My stuff was already packed, so I just picked up my tote bag and was off to Ophelia Hall. Because of the whole obligatory sport activity thing, almost everyone was at practice, and the hallways were completely empty. The campus looked nice and was actually enjoyable when not full of students. Especially when it was raining. Which wasn't the case just yet, but would eventually be because the sky was really gray. I passed by the quad and then took the turn to our campus wing. I was going to be alone in the dorm for some time. Finally.

I knew Tatum had been the last one to leave when I got in the dorm because the door wasn't locked. She was the only one who didn't do it. Yoko told me that last year Cascina didn't lock it that often either and that some freshmen pranked them by hiding some stink balls inside. I didn't believe her at first, until recently, when I found one under the couch. And ever since, everybody was locking the door, especially Cascina.
I opened the minibar and took my sandwich from the day before out of it. I then went upstairs, opened the door to my room, and then closed it afterwards. Thing was nowhere to be found, but that happened frequently, so I didn't think much of it.
Because I didn't want to have to do it later, I emptied my bag on my desk and immediately put everything in its place while eating my sandwich. When I was done, I just stood there for some time, enjoying the silence. Seven girls under one same roof could get very loud. I took a deep breath in. And out. Then took the final bite out of my sandwich and threw its wrapper away. The action itself being the only source of noise in the room. Was that what peace felt like?

From afar, out of the window, I heard the bell ring. Yes, on a Saturday, that was another of Medina's revolutionary and deeply needed changes. There was also a bell signal in the morning, both were to mark the end of practice. Because the girls wouldn't be long anymore, I decided to shower to be sure to have warm water. That classroom really was overheated. Since I had the time, I decided to do my hair as well. Having my own room and bathroom was such a privilege; I didn't have to take all my stuff every time I needed to shower, and all my towels stayed there the whole time.
I was pretty sure that I heard someone's keys from downstairs, so I quickly got undressed and turned the water on.

I dried my hair off and hung the towel up, before going back into my room with just a towel around my waist.
"Hi, Wednesday!"
I almost had a heart attack but didn't let it be perceptible.
"YOKO, WHAT are you doing here??"
She was sitting on the ground, in a shady corner of the empty side of the room with her phone plugged in. Because it was just dark enough there, she was wearing her sunglasses on her head.
"Enid has Ajax over. I took your charger by the way. Can I stay?"
Had already happened twice in the last five weeks. The charger too.
"Why aren't you in the common room?"
That's where she usually stayed, and sometimes even slept when that happened.
"Don't worry, I won't stay here too long. But right now, Tatum is filming a TikTok there with her siren friends, and apparently I'm not cool enough to be in it, even though Thing is. Plus the fact that I'm, like, one Ice Spice song away from murdering someone," she explained.
"Well, if you ever walk the talk, let me know, I'll help you."
It was too early to put on pyjamas, so I went for a simple T-shirt - black shorts combination.
"Could you turn around?"
"Yeah yeah, of course. So, you wanna go get dinner in town later? I'll pay."
"I already had a sandwich, I'm fine, thank you."
"Girl, that doesn't count as dinner."
"Yes, it does," I replied, drying my hair with the towel I had around my body earlier.
The overall weather was getting less and less humid, and my hair was barely wavy anymore after showering, and as straight as Yoko's when dry.
"You better knock or something next time you're doing this."
"Oh but I did knock," she said. "You just didn't hear it, so I texted, but I guess you didn't see it."
She pointed to my phone, which I hadn't brought with me in the bathroom and was still lying on my desk.
"I would have told you before if I knew, but Enid just told me when I wanted to get inside the room. I can't really blame her because I did that before for several sleepovers with Divina, but eh," she explained.
"Isn't that kind of a shitty thing for her to do," I remarked.
"Really, it's fine. I've done it a lot of times it's just payback. That's how we work."
I shrugged my shoulders.
"So..." she started, "while we're on the topic of Enid..."
"We're not on the topic of Enid."
"YES WE ARE, anyway, I never got to apologize for that so I'm sorry again about the... tinkering with your athletics inscription. I didn't know it was that bad at the time."
Every once in a while, that kind of remark reminded me that she had heard everything that one night.
"I know you get detention to avoid-"
"Woah woah, wait a second," I had to interrupt her. "I do not, in any case, get detention to avoid Enid. I genuinely like pissing off Medina."
Did I lie? Not completely, after the first few times, I just got a taste of standing up to him and hadn't gotten enough to stop since.
"Okay okay. Sorry, I know you don't like talking about what happened, or relationship stuff in gen-"
"No no it's fine, I you wanna talk about that."
"Oh great, so I just wanted to ask-"
"But first, how are things going with Divina?"
"Girl- you know it's complicated-"
"I guess, you don't want to talk about relationship stuff, then."
She sighed.
"Well played, Addams. Well played."
I gave her a little victory grin.
"Shut up. Just shut up."
"I win. You lose."
"But so... are we going in town later...?" she asked, not even convinced herself.
I had no excuse to say no since I had no homework to do anymore, and she knew that.
"Let me just put something warmer on."

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