chapter 27.2: this daydream is dangerous

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A/N: Not this fic lowkey being in its flop era 🙈. Anyway, thank you for the reads ppl! I love you guys sm ♥️
Also, with school starting and all, if anyone of u needs to talk my dm's are open don't forget it 🫶

Third week of October, same Saturday, seconds later

"Enid, what was that?!" we all heard Alice ask from the other room.
Enid had just angrily slammed her dorm's door shut. It was silent for a second before Stan started talking again.
"So, anyways—"
"The poor boy didn't do anything!" we heard Alice again.
"ANYWAYS," he continued, "I should get going..."
"Oh my god, no, stay. The one time we have a real boy in this damn dorm..." Yoko started.
"Yeah, it's not a problem," Alice confirmed. "Stay, you guys came here what...? Five minutes ago maybe?"
Alice was already back. She whispered something to Thing, and he was off to Enid's room.
"I should really go, though. I need to shower," Stan insisted.
He didn't have to go. He couldn't care less about showering. He was just uncomfortable, and I couldn't blame him for that.

Thanks a lot, Enid.

"Nice to meet you, girls!" he said before closing the door behind him.
"Nice dude," Alice commented.
The door reopened.
"Ah y, Wednesday, te veo mañana para almorzar, ¿claro?"
". See you tomorrow."
He went away again.
"No, Yoko, we're just having lunch together."
"Whatever," she smirked.
"Just know that the Ophelia Hall committee approves of him," Alice chuckled.
"Wow, I'm absolutely thrilled to hear this," I said.
"We can see that," Alice laughed.
"Anyway, how was practice? You guys came here late."
Yoko always asked that.
"Absolute crap. You saw how much Stan can talk; we had to do extra exercises and help clean up stuff because he can't shut his mouth to save his life."
"Just for talking a bit? Marcus is such a bitch, I swear."
"And you, Alice?"
"Dance is Sunday morning, remember?" she replied.
"Oh damn yeah. Sorry lol."
"It's fine."
"I should go shower," I said.
"See you at the cafeteria?"
"Probably not, I'm really tired."
"Oh, okay."


Run. Just keep running. My legs were burning. And I started to see blurry. But I couldn't stop. There were people everywhere. Agitating their flashlights as they ran after me. I had to stay focused. One fall because of stupid branches could mean the end. The woods got thicker as I advanced. And less and less people were following. Sometimes I heard a grunt or a thud on the ground, until eventually there was only one flashlight left.
I was able to outrun them. I was going to outrun them.
Everything was hurting.
And then, there was no light anymore. The person had dropped their flashlight. But I could still hear their heavy breathing behind me. And their footsteps. They were getting closer.
I kept on running. One foot in front of the other. And at some point, there was a clearing. The moon was shining so brightly. A full moon.
No! I had slowed down. They were too close. I took the instant decision to climb in a tree. At least I would have a little height advantage.
The person didn't follow me up the tree, and I could feel them staring at me.
"You thought you did something, huh?"
I recognized the voice, but couldn't quite place it. No. No, no, no. I looked behind me and saw them transform until nothing human was left in their appearance. No, no, no.
I didn't even have time to concentrate on climbing as the Hyde grabbed me by the neck and slammed me face first on the tree bark. I felt warm liquid on my right cheek, and for the rest, nothing anymore. The Hyde turned me around, and I looked it in the eyes. I didn't recognize Tyler. These weren't his eyes. The Hyde's were a warm shade of brown, not blue like Tyler's. This wasn't him. The grip of its claws tightened around my neck. I couldn't breathe anymore. There was no air in my lungs. I felt dizzy. Yet from the corner of my eye, I saw something approach. A wolf. A big one.
"Enid!" I tried to scream, but only a sore whisper escaped my lips.
I couldn't breathe. Something cracked in my throat. Right before the wolf stormed on the Hyde and it fell over.
I fell to the ground too, on my right side. I felt the blood pulsating under my face's skin and in my shoulder, which had made a weird sound. I could see myself from the outside, lying on the ground. I had blood in my eyes, and my mouth, and my nose, and my throat.
I was drowning in it.

I stood up so fast that I scared Thing. My throat was hurting a lot, and breathing was painful. My pyjamas were soaked with sweat and stuck to my skin. My bangs stuck to my forehead, also because of the sweat. I took a second to look around me and try to understand where I was. I was relieved when I recognized my bedroom.

What the hell was this dream?

I turned on the lights and quickly grabbed my notebook from the nightstand before I could forget about certain details. The pen was still in the notebook. I took off the cap and wrote down the most important parts first, leaving some open spaces for later precision or analysis.
That's when Thing started to snap.
"Not now," I cut off, annoyed. "I'm busy."
He started to bang on the table.
"Stop! Not now," I repeated.
My eyes hadn't even left the paper as I was sketching the tree I had climbed into. I could feel him staring at me in a last attempt to gain my attention, but I decided to ignore him. I was too busy drawing the Hyde. Everything was so fresh in my memory that I couldn't let a single thing slip into oblivion.
About ten minutes later, when I judged that everything was penned down in that notebook, I got out of bed.
"So? Thing, what was it you—"
I stopped because I didn't see him. He was probably back in his drawer, sleeping.
"Never mind," I mumbled as I got out the door.
I was going downstairs to get something warm to drink. The lights were already on when I entered the common room. Frankly, I was ready to take the stairs and go to my room again because I didn't want to see anyone, but they saw me first.
"Hi, Wednesday."
She was sitting there on the couch.

Of course.

"Hi, Enid," I replied, making my way to the kitchenette without any eye contact.
I checked if there was enough water in the boiler and turned it on. Afterwards, I looked for tea, an infusion, or honestly whatever I could find for my sore throat.
"There's apple-cinnamon tea in the cabinet with the plates, behind them. Well, technically it's an infusion, but eh."
I mumbled a 'thanks', which hurt, and kneeled to open it and look for the tea. I took two little bags and put them in a mug.

Come on, the water should be done by now.

I heard Enid get up and come closer. I could feel her gaze.
"What?" I asked, annoyed.
"Can you look at me for a second?"
I turned towards her.
"Why do I need to do that, I—"
"Wens, are you okay? Your neck!"
I looked at her in confusion. The boiler started making that whistling sound.
"What my neck?"
She took her phone out of her pyjama pocket and snapped a picture of me.
That couldn't be me in the picture. My neck was full of scratches, and the red was turning to purple.
This couldn't be. 
I stormed upstairs to look at myself in the mirror.


Enid had followed me upstairs, and I saw her appear behind me in the frame of the door.
She lifted up her shirt a bit. And under the bathroom light, I saw deep red claw marks lacerating her abdomen.
"You had the same nightmare, didn't you?"

A/N: please show this chapter some love 🫶 see ya next week ♥️

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