chapter 17: so many things that I wish you knew

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"We should head to the cinema," Wednesday said.
"Do we have to? Right now?" I pouted, hanging a striped dress back on its hanger.
"It's the only time they're playing your film."
"Ow," I sighed. "I can't afford this anyway, let's go."
Just before I was out the door, she grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the boutique.
"Do you really want the dress?"
"I don't know, no, we're gonna miss the movie."
"We could come back another day for the movie... I mean, if you want to shop now, we can."
"Really?" I asked with a smile.
"Really," Wednesday repeated.
I walked back to where the dress was.
"You can do better than that, though," she said, coming by my side and searching for something else.
"You don't like the dress?"
"It's not your color."
I picked another dress off the trail.
"But what about this one?"
"Looks fine.Would look even better with you in it."
"Oh my god, Wednesday Addams, are you trying to romance me? Because it's working."
She made that side smile.
"Anyway, I'm going to go try this on. The cabins are over there, right?" I asked, pointing to my right.
"Yes. I'll stay here, see if I find something else," she said.

Mid-changing, my phone rang again. I made a mental note to not forget to turn it off when going to the cinema later. I finished putting on the dress and answered the phone. It was Ajax again.
"Hey," I said a bit dryly because I was too focused on arranging the straps of the dress.
"So about what I asked you earlier...?"
"My mom still hasn't answered."
"Ow," was all he said.
There was a brief moment of silence.
"So... what are you up to?"
"Nothing special right now," I lied, looking at myself in the cabin's mirror.
The dress fit just fine.
"And you?" I asked.
"Oh I'm..."
It was Wednesday's voice, it came from the hallway. I quickly covered my phone's microphone.
"What cabin are you in?"
"The fourth," I shouted so she would hear.
I then quickly told Ajax to call me later and that I had to go.
"Love ya!"
I took it upon myself.
"Love you."
And I hung up as fast as I could. She didn't hear us.
That's when I saw Wednesday's Doc Martens appear under the curtain, which I quickly opened.
"Oh hi!"
"I found this," she said, handing me several other clothes. "I don't know if you want to try them on."

An hour and a shopping bag with two dresses, a jacket, and a skirt later, we were finally on our way to the movies. Wednesday really had an eye for fashion; the additional clothes were all really nice.
"Do you want me to take the bag?" I asked.
She had been carrying it since the beginning of the walk.
"No, I'm good."
She took her sunglasses out of her shirt's pocket and put them on with her free hand.
"So what are we watching, then?"
"I don't know. We'll see when we get there," she answered.
I put my hand in hers and enlaced our fingers. She seemed fine with that, so I took it a step further and brought her hand to my lips to kiss it.
"Thank you for the clothes, and the shopping in general - I know you don't like to shop - and thank you for the cinema."
She just shrugged her shoulders, while we kept walking, not even looking at me.
"We're almost there," Wednesday announced.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it.
It went off another time. And after the third buzz, Wednesday let go of my hand.
"It's probably Yoko," I tried.
"Yeah, sure."

Damn. That was dry.

We walked inside the cinema complex. There were posters for upcoming movies all over the income hall walls. There was also the program for that day.
"You choose the movie," she said.
I looked at it more closely.
"I don't know, Wednesday, what do you wanna-"
"Just make a freaking choice, Enid!" she blurted out.


"I don't know- Let's watch this one then," I said, pointing to a random poster from the films that were playing.
"Okay, go for that," she said, heading to the booth to go buy our tickets.

this love is good, this love is bad [wenclair]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz