chapter 19: talking turned into screams

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A/N: hi guys, I just wanted to thank y'all again for all the reads!! I keep track of them and they've been going up pretty fast recently, so thank you for that! I've already said it, but don't expect regular updates because my exams start next week. Good luck to everyone!!

'A pathological people pleaser'???? Expect me to use A LOT of those lyrics as prompts/titles.


I wanted to be as close as possible. I was hers now, and she was mine.
"Are you okay, Wednesday?" Enid asked. "You're all cuddly this morning."
I didn't answer and embraced her tighter.
"I like it," she added.
And she put her hand on my head, which was lying on her shoulder. She undid my braids, one at a time, with one free hand, and then combed through my hair with her fingers. The situation was so peaceful that I almost fell asleep again, but Mother knocked at the door again. She stated outside this time.
"Last chance for breakfast, girls! It's getting late."
I didn't answer that one either.
"Thank you, Mrs. Addams!" Enid yelled, way too close to my ear.
Enid tried to move, but I didn't let her.
"We should get ready, I don't want to miss breakfast," she said.
I still didn't move. This was too perfect.
I grunted and rolled off of her. She grabbed my shirt from the ground and gave it to me.
"Here you go."
I put it on and started to button it back up. Enid pulled on the covers and then stopped.
"You're still wearing panties right? So I can take the covers, see, my pyjama top is over there," she said pointing to somewhere near the door.
"Yeah yeah, you can take the covers."
"Great, I'm gonna go do some freshening up in the bathroom."
She kissed me on the temple and got up, the cotton fabric wrapped around her body exacerbating just the right places. Ugh, the hold she had on me was gigantic. My eyes followed her as she closed the bathroom door. I took a pillow and screamed into it. The bathroom door opened again.
"Wednesday, you okay?" she asked, holding the covers to cover her front.
I put the pillow away.
"Yup," I lied.
She smiled and got back inside. Ugh, the hold she had on me was gigantic.
I just lay there in bed, waiting for her to come back. But it was cold without the covers and without her. I got up as well and wandered across the room. I had to check something. I walked to the desk and opened Thing's drawer. Empty. Thank God he had been nice enough to leave. I checked the other drawers to be sure and found my hairbrush in one of them. While brushing my hair, I walked back to the closet and took out some fresh underwear and a pair of sweatpants that I put on. That's when Enid's phone buzzed on the nightstand beside her bed.


It's not a problem if I ignore it, I told myself. But who would be texting her at 10 AM except him? No. I knew she wouldn't do that. So no.
But my curiosity wanted me to check so badly. Just checking couldn't hurt, right? I took her phone in hand, and it buzzed a second time. I didn't look at the screen. No, I wasn't going to do it. I turned the phone so that the screen was facing the ground.

Not doing it. I'm going to bring it to Enid. Just bring it to her. Not checking.

~ ~ ~

I heard a thud coming from outside the bathroom. "Wednesday? Was that you?"
No answer.
So I dropped the cotton ball I was using to cleanse my skin, tied the covers tighter around me, and opened the door.
Wednesday was on the floor with only the whites of her eyes showing. Ah, visions... I kneeled next to her and lifted her head off the ground. Last time, she had told me to just wait until the vision eventually passes. So that was exactly what I did. Unlike that one time at Crackstone's crypt, she wasn't convulsing. That was a good sign, I guess. I pushed her bangs aside from her eyes. Then I noticed my phone in her hand. What was she doing with it?
Oh never mind, she started convulsing. I tried to hold her as steady as possible, but that was easier said than done.
And then it suddenly stopped.
We locked eyes.
"Get off of me."
"What? Wednesday, are you okay?"
"Get off of me."
She slid my phone on the floor towards me and got up.
"Wednesday, can you explain, please?" I asked.
"Can you explain?"
"What the hell? What do you want me-"
"When were you going to tell me?"
"Girl, you're crying. Are you okay? You hit your head..."
"Oh my- Enid, you stop it. You're fucking going to Ajax's tomorrow and you didn't tell me?"
She read my messages. I knew I couldn't leave my phone alone with her.
"I only know it since yesterday, I-"
"I asked you to make a choice. You knew you were going all along, leaving me for him, yet you still told me you chose me just to get at it?"
"Wednesday, please calm down, it's not like that."
"What is it like then? Do you know which position that puts me in?"
"I'm the other girl," she said in disgust.
"Is that really all you care about?" I couldn't help but say.
She didn't answer.
"So you went through my phone," I stated.
"Is that all you care about?"
She really had to stop using my own phrases against me.
"Wednesday, I trusted you to not go through by leaving it there, and what did you do...?"
"What would be the big deal about me reading your messages?"
"Uh, the fact that I trust you but you don't trust me; the fucking fact that I have nothing to hide but just want you to respect my privacy!"
"Nothing to hide? So just answer me; when we're you going to tell me?"
"I asked you to make a choice!" Wednesday burst into tears again.
She sat down on the floor, her back against her bed.
"That's all you had to do," she mumbled.
She brought her knees to her chest and hid her face. I sat next to her.
"I'm sorry."
"Oh you're sorry," she mocked.
"Wednesday, I forgave you when you-"
"Calm down, please," I asked again, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't you touch me!" she said as she sprung up. "I trusted you on that. I really thought you'd choose me."
She wiped some tears away with the left sleeve of her shirt.
"Well, I trusted you to not read my-"
"Spare some of your trust speech, I didn't go through your phone. I didn't read any of you guys' texts."

Wait what?

"So don't you dare talk to me about trust. What'd you think this vision was about, huh? There's some stuff I really want to unsee."


"You better start packing. I hope you both have fun."
She grabbed her phone and walked over to the door.
"This time I am done with this, Enid."
She went out the door but peaked her head through it not even five seconds later.
"And hurry, you didn't want to miss breakfast with my family, right? You'll get an occasion to tell them you're leaving. Try not to make fake promises this time."

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