chapter 36: away from the crowds

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A/N: hi guys!! first of all, I know yall aren't satisfied with how often I update and tbh I am not either but hey here is an update 😻
thank you for still reading this and don't forget to vote please <3

Wednesday's point of view

I opened my eyes and saw hers. Then I felt her hands in my hair and her thumbs caressing my temples. Her face lit up.
"How are you feeling?"
It was like that question woke up the rest of my senses, as I suddenly felt everything. My right side was hurting, and since we were on the floor, I assumed I had fallen earlier. Stupid vision.
I grunted.
"What time is it?"
"No idea," she answered.
The room was dark, and it was night outside. Her voice was sleepy too.
"Wanna talk about what you saw?" she asked.
Again, this question caused me to remember everything. I tried to get up. A bit too fast since I almost fell, but she was there to catch me. I immediately sought more physical contact by hugging her.
"Are you okay?" she laughed, placing her hands on my back.
Gosh, that sleepy, husky voice. I gripped her even more tightly. She passed her fingers through my hair, and I realized she had undone my braids while I was out.
I didn't move.
My grip tightened.
She rested her head on top of mine and let a deep breath out.
"We should go to sleep, Wens."
I shook my head against her.
"Come on," she said, having her hands remove my head from where it was.
I looked up.
Her face was so close to mine.
She kissed me to stop me from talking. For some time, I didn't react because of tiredness, shock.
"Sorry, I didn't—"
I cupped her face and pulled her even closer.
"Stop saying sorry," I said before pressing my lips against hers.
I felt the corners of her mouth stretch into a big smile as she kissed me back.


The sun had been shining right in my eyes for some time when I finally decided to do something about it. I carefully removed my arm from around Enid's waist and quietly got up. Then I realized; I usually put that enormous whiteboard in front of the window, and it does a pretty good job at blocking the sun. However, it was still downstairs, but since it didn't seem to bother Enid and I was already up anyway, I didn't do anything about it, and I just got back in bed. My spot was still warm and right when I slipped under the sheets, she rolled over and embraced me. Once again, I felt myself drifting away.

Running. The woods. People following. Continuing to run. Less people behind me. I knew what was coming, what was about to happen. As always, heavy footsteps were following me...

I woke up for the second time today, all crisped up. My body hurt, and I felt more exhausted than before. Enid was awake, she was looking at me and smiling weakly. Because it had happened so many times, we didn't even talk about it anymore. Only if there were new things happening, which wasn't the case this time. She died and then I died. As per usual.
She got closer and laughed softly.
"You're all stiff."
After saying that, she took my hand and brought it to her mouth, kissing it. She then grinned at me again, and I had to crack a smile too.

"What if we just don't this time?" I said out of nowhere, staring at the ceiling.
"What do you mean?"
We were still tangled up in bed.
"Just don't fight the whole situation with the missing children."
She stayed silent.
"We both nearly died because of Crackstone, and my visions weren't as intense as they are now."
"Is Wednesday Addams gonna nope out of a situation?" she joked.
"What if it's too risky this time?"
"What if..." she repeated.
"I mean, last time, you almost died, I died but then came back to life, and without Bianca being there for some reason, Crackstone would've killed me."
She turned her head to face me.
"So... are you afraid of... death?" Enid asked.
I hadn't thought of it that way.
"I don't know. I was just thinking, why put ourselves in danger? It's not our duty."
She reached for my hand, and I didn't wait and put it in hers. We locked eyes, and I just told her.
"I see you die practically every night. Every single time I have that dream, you die."
Nothing she didn't know, but she understood what I meant by that.
"Maybe your visions are wrong? It happened before, right?"
Not really. Not at all, in fact.
"What if it's just too dangerous?" I repeated. "We can borrow or steal a car and go away. From there, I'll call my parents, they'll get it, they'll come pick us up. "
"Wens, we can't just leave them like that, no one's gonna find out who did it. And you know that. We can't—"
"I don't want you to die."
"You seeing me die doesn't necessarily mean—"
"It does."
"No it—"
"Enid, I don't wanna take that risk!"
She had been caressing the back of my hand with her thumb. I realized that because she stopped.
"Wednesday, you can leave if you want to, but I sure won't."
"I won't."
"Gosh, why do you have to be so stubborn?" I sighed, getting out of bed.
"Coming from you? Are you kidding me?"
She sat up straight.
I started to pace the room.
"You've got to be kidding me!" she scoffed.
"I'm being dead serious, Enid. We can't just put ourselves in danger like that. This isn't our job. And quite frankly, I don't give a shit about who might be missing."
"Well, I do," she stated, pointing to herself. "I do—"
I stopped walking around to listen to what she had to say better and put my hands on my waist.
"What's with that nonchalance? Goddamnit, Wednesday, I'm trying to tell you something! I'm trying to communicate, wasn't that what we talked about for so long?"
I brought one hand to my forehead and let the other one drop.
"I'm sorry."
I put my hands in the air. "I'm sorry," I repeated.
"Alice asked me to take care of Chloe during the ball, and I think I checked on her maybe twice, both times before nine thirty."
"Then I came into your room and—"
"And I didn't think about checking on her anymore."
"So you feel responsible," I understood.
"We could've known way earlier that she was missing."
"Enid, there's a big difference between feeling responsible and actually being responsible."
"Well, I am probably responsible," she said.
"You don't know for sure, and even if you are, that wouldn't change a thing about all the others."
Just when I thought I had won...
"Just imagine, Pugsley goes missing all of a sudden. You'd want someone to investigate, right? Especially when you specifically asked someone to basically babysit him, and they didn't do it properly."
I wasn't going to win that fight, but I could still try.
"Not if that puts that person's life in danger."
"Stop lying."
"Ok maybe, but I don't think Alice would want that for you. Because this is about her, isn't it?"
"She's my friend. I fucked up, now I have to fix that."
"There's stuff you can't fix."
"You can still try," she replied.
"Enid, you could die, and so could I!"
"I'd rather die trying than—"
"And you just want me to let you do that?!"
"This is my choice, Wednesday."
"Plus, you're talking about it as if I'm going to organize a cage fight with the Hyde when I just want to investigate a bit."
"Visions happen," I said. "They end up happening."
"That means they'd happen too if we were to flee."
Damnit. Definitely not winning that one.
I walked over to the bed and sat on her side of it before hugging her.
"Okay, let's do this."

"TYLER OPEN UP, LOSER!" I banged at his dorm door.
"Maybe he's still at lunch," Enid guessed.
However, there was some noise coming from inside and then we heard him open the door.
"Wednesday?!" he exclaimed surprised. "And Enid. What do you want?"
I pushed him aside and got in, followed by Enid.
"Uh— okay..." he said, closing the door.
"So... how does one kill a Hyde? Teach us."

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