chapter 22

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As I walked in the prison doors with my hands cuffed behind my back, I realized that I was not being carried to a waiting cell. I heard people shouting at me and catcalls, but my eyes were searching for one person and one person only.


He was my ex, but also my best friend. He has two more years in this place for drug dealing. He was never on drugs, he was just piss poor and needed to find a way to make money.

As the officer guided me, I took in my surroundings. They changed the place up, the cells no longer had bunk beds but mattresses on the ground. The toilets were moved to a station and there were desks in the cells.

The officer moved slower and opened a cell for me, threw me in and walked away. What about my cuffs?

"Yo! Take off my fucking cuffs why don't you?!" I yelled at the cop, only to get ignored.

"They don't take off cuffs for people who have mental health issues right away. They'll take em' off when they think your calm." An unfamiliar voice called out to me, making me turn my head.

The guys was huge. He had humongous muscles and not to mention, was sexy as fuck. He was looking up at me with a unreadable expression on his face.

"Names' Dominick. What about you, kid?" He introduced himself politely. How the fuck did he end up in a place like this? Sure, he was big but he seemed nice.

"Maverick. How in the he'll did you get here." I said, looking at him with wide eyes and furrowed brows. He only chuckled.

"You know, kid, your not supposed to be going around asking that. I'm in here for theft." He replied.

"Oh."I stated, turning down the look at the floor, which is looking very interesting right now.

"How old are you, kid? The man asks.

"18." I responded softly. I just want to go home.

"Jesus. Your too young to be in a place like this." He sighed.

"... how old are you?" I asked, he looked in his early thirties.

"I'm twenty five. Why are you here?" He responded.

"Assault and theft."

"Fuck, kid."

I just look up at him then look outside of the bars if the cell. I saw from across us, a cell with two familiar people inside. Malachi's dad and Carter. Looking straight at me.

"I need to go to sleep." I mumbled and lodged myself on the hard white mattress closest to the wall.

"Taking my bed, huh kid?" Dominick asked. I just rolled my eyes. I honestly didn't know what to do. I was never told when the court date would be, and they didn't put me in a waiting cell, which of course made me think I'll be in he'd for a while.

I don't know what the fuck to do. God knows what's going on with Malachi and Dutton. And the mafia shit? How am I supposed to deal with that if I'm here? Dutton is probably worried sick. What about school? How fucking long will I be in here?

I didn't realize I was crying until Dominick spoke up.

"What's wrong, kid?" Dominick asked gently. But that lnly made me mad, who the he'll was he to be butting into mbusiness?

"Shut the fuck up and mind your own business." I said through my clenched teeth. He sighed before he started again.

"Listen kid. I won't handle you disrespecting me. I will gladly put you over my knee."

What the fuck was this dude on? We literally just met five minutes ago and he's talking about spanking me? What the fuck? Keep your kinks to yourself, man.

"I don't know what kind of kinky shit you like, but I'm taken. By two guys. So I'll pass." I retorted back at him.

"Mmm. I'm happily married, so I'll pass, but I wasn't being kinky. Kids like you do need to be punished." He said.

"Your fucking weird." I scoffed.

"Here. Call one of your boyfriends." He handed me a phone. Wait. A phone?

"How'd you sneak that in?" I asked while grabbing the phone.

"I didn't. We get em when we cuffs get took off so we don't die of bordem.

I was too busy typing Mal's number in the keypad to acknowledge what the older man was saying.



"Maverick?! How the fuck did you get a phone?"

"My cell mate has one. He's really fucking weird." I said, but that only made Dominick chuckle.

"How so?"

"He told me he'd 'put me over his knee' if I gave him attitude, and that kids like me needed to be punished."

"You can't act like your not kinky like that too."

"Shut the fuck up."

"No. And I guess you better respect the dude. Is he hot?"

"Yes, and no hes not my dad. He's like thirty!"

Dominick grabbed the phone from my hands and pressed the speaker button.

"I'm not thirty, im twenty four!" He chuckled into the phone.

"Oh yeah? I give you my full permission to spank him, by the way"

"Malachi!" I whisper yell.

"Well? I'm not there to correct your actions."

"Fuck you. Your supposed to be on my side."

"Watch it."

"Sorry." I mumble immediately.

"Look baby, I got to go. Dut is about to wake up. Call me when you get the time, alright?"

"Okay. Bye."

"I love you, Maverick."

"I love you too."

Call ended

"Sooo. Who's your partner?" I ask Dominick.

"He's actually in the cell across from us. His names Carter." He nodded his head towards the cell his lover was in, and my heart dropped.

"Carter? He never mentioned you too me."

"You know him?" Dominick raised a brow.

"He's my ex. His collie is Malachi's fucked up dad." I reply.

"Ahh. Your the kid taking over his mafia, yes?"

"Sadly, yes."

"Good luck with that."

"Maverick Reed. You have a visitor." A woman officer unlocks our cell and picks me up by my cuffs.


"Your boyfriend."

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