chapter 26

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"sir, please calm down." One of the officers said to the tantrum throwing Trent. I just grinned.

"NO! HE FUCKING HARRASSED ME AND HE GETS TO BE FREE?!" Trent screamed, making me wince.

"Honestly, bro. It ain't that big of a deal." I say.

"Your in no position to talk, Mr. Reed." The judge stated.

"Stand up." The officer to my left said, so I did. She unruffled me and told me to be on my way. Which I happily skipped to my boyfriend and future boyfriend.

"I'm not gonna lie, you look sexy as fuck in handcuffs." Malachi greeted me.

"That's a way to greet your boyfriend after you ain't seen him in a week." I reply.

I turned to Dutton and he was looking down at the ground, tapping his foot with a frown on is face. Apparently his frowns are contagious because I soon after had a frown on my face.

"What's wrong D?" I ask, getting on my knees to look him in the eyes.

"The Tyler dude.. he's creepy." Dutton replied.

"What do you mean?" Mal asked.

"He gave me a mean look." Dutton huffy.

Malachi and I look at each other before laughing our pretty little asses off. Dutton looked up at us and furrowed his eyebrows before looking back at the ground.

"Oh, baby. No, Tyler just has a RBF. He's no harm to you, we promise." Mal says.

Yeah, sure. Just wait til he finds out that Dutton told two other people about the mafia. He will be furious.

"Oh."  Dutton mumbled.

"It's okay princess. But when we leave, I want to talk about us." I say to both pf the boys standing in front of me.

"Okay." They both say in sync. 


We finally arrived at my house and i think it's safe to say it's been really quiet, not only right now, but the car ride was silent.

"I want to be with you both." Dutton breaks the silence.

"Oh yeah? We wanna be with you too, but you have to know what your getting yourself into." Malachi says.

"I knew the risks when I kept talking to you guys after I found out. You can't scare me away." Dutton retorts and I smirk.

"Hmm. So let's make this official? Label what we are?" I say.

"Deal. Boyfriends we are then." Dutton said.

"I'm always down." Mal said.


We just finished watching beauty and the beast and we were all pretty tired but I had a plan in mind.

"Wanna go on a date tomorrow after school?" I ask, but only get tired moans from the other two.

I pulled my two lovers closr to me a drifted asleep

Sorry this is so short. I don't have motivation lol

Don't Hold Back. (bxbxb)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora