chapter 11

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Before we get into this I just want to say that I'm trying to update as much as I can I just lack motivation when I don't think anyone cares for my work, I was going to discontinue this but I got my first votes and a couple people actually interacted with my story, so if you like or don't like the story or a specific chapter please let me know in the comments, anyways, enjoy this chapter ❤️


I hear the door slam.

I immediately flinch at the sound. No one is supposed to be here, mom is the only one that lives here other than us. I could have sworn I locked the door. Is this a burglary?

I heard footsteps come from the stairs making their way up. I push Maverick off of me making him wake up. I quickly tell him to be quiet. He looks at me with a confused look on his face but abides.

I stand up and quickly grab one of my guns from the drawer, and loaded it. I was staring at the door when the doorknob turned. I pointed my gun to the door as it opens.

"Woah, it's just me." My mom throws up her hands. She was wearing a awfully large shirt and pajama pants. She sits down on the bed next to Maverick. I put my gun back in the drawer and sigh.

"I lied to you,hijo." Mom said with a face that you would make if you got caught for murder.

"What do you mean?" Maverick piped up and asked the same question I was about to say.

"Your father is here, Malachi." My mother's says and looks at her hands in her lap.

I paused for a minute staring at her in disbelief. Giovanni Hernandez is standing in my house right now? After I just told her I didn't want to see him?

"What? You have to be kidding me, Rosa! I told you I didn't wanna see his ass but you bring him here anyways? What was the point of even asking me?" I yelled at her. I actually yelled at her.

"Im sorry, I called you so I would know if you wanted to him, as you did when you were a child, but I was already halfway here with your father in the car when you said no. Im sorry." She said as I looked at her in utter disbelief. I am not a child anymore, I was a dumb kid who thought his father was a hero and wanted to be just like his papa one day. Not anymore.

"Well, I'm sorry to break it to you Rose, I'm not child. I know what I want now and I don't see my father as a superhero anymore." I tell her more calmly. I feel like slapping the shit after her.

"I know, just please talk to him?"

"He will, mami." Maverick says giving me that 'dont you dare' look. But that doesn't scare me one bit.

"No the fuck I'm not. I never want to speak to that man again. I told you everything I wanted you to say to him on my behalf. I do not want anything to do with him, Rosa." I stare at Rose in disgust. How could she do this?

I hear footsteps from behind me and take a deep breath, then yank my head and look at the man standing before me.

"Hello, son. I understand you do not want me here, but we need to talk." He says with a smile. Which is ugly, by the way, his teeth are rotting. Just like his dick.

"I don't want to talk." I told him truthfully but tried my best to be respectful.

"Son, I'm going to die soon and I need you to take over my role. There are no ifs and buts. This is a command and it is not up for negotiation." He replied straight up, walking closer so we are head to head. I mentally gag at his breath, I'm not even shitting you, it smells like cow shit.

"No." I told him. I don't want to be apart of his little mafia. I know it would be way to dangerous for Jason, because he is their target, since he knows who they are looking for, and since they know I know him, they will only use me to interview him and get questions out of him. And knowing Jason. He won't. The. They are going to tear every. single. finger. Off of his body.

"Excuse me, boy? You think your in charge? Your nothing but a shitty little punk in my story." He says with a thick Mexican accent running through his tone as he spits when he talks.

"Well, in my story, I kill you before I kill anyone else. So if you could please, for the love of God, get out of my house and ask someone else to be your clan leader, that would be great" I say in a sarcastic tone and pat his chest roughly.

He scoffs.

"You think you scare me, huh? You think your so tough don't ya? Who was the one who trained all of your life? Me. I fed you, put a rough over your head and bought you shit you didn't need." He backs up and pulls out a gun and cocks it.

Two can play that game, pops.

Now, we both have guns at each other's heads, pops grinning like a psycho, and me with a straight face.

"Drop the gun." He tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"Drop yours. You pulled it out on me first so the least you could do is drop it."

"I'd rather die."

A gunshot fires. All I see is two blurry figures above me.

They slowly fade...

Don't Hold Back. (bxbxb)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant