chapter 19

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My eyes shot open as I listened to my phone ring. I picked up my phone to check who was calling me during my beauty sleep.

Maverick name flashed across the screen and I immediately pressed answer.



"Date tomorrow?"


"Will you go on a date with Malachi and I so we can talk about things?"

"What do you mean things?"

"Me and him being in the mafia, and us."

I felt my mouth drop at his words. They were both in the mafia?! I couldn't find words to respond to him.

"Uh. Hello? You still there?"

"Oh- uh, yeah. I- I just didn't know both of you were.. um.. you know."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Oh fuck. Right, yeah I'll go on a date with you guys."

"Alright. What are you doing right now?"

I stare at the ceiling while I think about what to say.

"Nothing, really. My dad apologized yesterday.. finally. "

"Mmm. The bastard needed too. You free tomorrow after school?"


"You'll ride home with me and Mal then. Is that cool with you?"

"As long as you two don't try to kill me."

"Nah. Never."

"What are you doing?"

"Oh i just got out of the shower. I'm watching TV right now."

"Oh okay."

"Yep... imma go, cupcake. Be good. I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay. Bye."


And with that i ended the call. My room was silent again and I was no longer sleepy. I didn't know what to do so I just scrolled through tiktok.

Ring, ring

I look up on my phone screen and saw Rhet was calling me, I had to answer, I mean I haven't talked to him in like a week.


"Watching tiktok. What are u doing?"

"Same. I heard about what happened with your new man and Trent. Heard ya' ran out of the school. Why though?"

"I don't know... I guess I was mad. But we are cool now, I guess. We talked it out-oh, and also, we aren't together yet. We haven't even talked about getting together. "

"Yet, you say?"

"Oh my gosh, Rhet!! Shut up."


"Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell you!"

"You forgot to tell me what?"

"I found out that Maverick and m
Malachi are apart of the mafia, and I don't know how to feel about it."




My heart dropped when he said that last part, I hadn't really thought about it earlier, but know that I am, mafia members do kill people. Now I really don't know how to feel about it. What of they kill me for telling Rhet.

"I hate it when you get quiet when I say something. What did I say wrong?"

"Nothing. I just didn't really think about it until now. It's kind of scary."


"I need to think.."

"Yeah. You do that, I'll see you tomorrow."


"I love you. Call me of you need anything."

"I love you too. Good night."


Call ended

Am I overreacting? If I get with them this might change my whole life. I mean dude, I have plans for my future. I want to go somewhere. I wanna be a marine biologist for fucks sake. How do I do that if someone's up my ass all of the time making sure it don't do something they don't like.

Will I have privacy? I have so many questions. I want to take our relationship further but I don't know if in ready for drama with the law. If I get caught being together with them will I go to prison? My life will be ruined!

I really hope they clear things up for me tomorrow, but I sure as he'll will be looking at them differently. Are they murderes? Do they kill innocent people? My questions need to be answered before my brain explodes.

I need to stop thinking, so I grabbed a melatonin and threw it in my mouth, turned my fan on to high and wrapped myself up in my blanket. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow that's for sure.


It's currently 6 in the morning and I'm walking to my school, which is like twenty minutes away from my house, and I'm 5 minutes away.

I made sure I mentally prepared myself for today, but I atheist have the comfort of knowing the date is 6 hours away and I can easily distract myself from everything with school work, right?

Beep beep

I turned to see where the honk was coming from and seen a familiar car with two very familiar boys inside of it.

"C'mon, let me drive you the rest of the way home." Malachi yells from his car.

I look at the way to the school to see how much longer I have to walk, which I can see the school from where I am at, and look back at the parked car waiting for me.

To avoid any trouble, I went with the safest option.

"Nah. I'm good. It's a good day and I want to walk."

It was not a good day, in fact, it was freezing and it was foggy, the ground was wet from previous snow and there's trees on the ground from a storm that happened two days ago. So no, it wasn't, and I knew that.

"I don't know what your talking about. My balls are freezing off just by having the window rolled down. I can imagine how cold you are walking." Mal scoffs.

"I'm okay. I promise." I say as I start walking.

"Your going to get sick, Dutton. Get in the car." I get in response.

But, me being me, I just sped up and I was at the school in no time. Lucky for me, the boys had to park so that meant I had extra time to find my friends and hide with them. I already know Rhet told Brooklyn since he texted and asked if he could tell her, so he did.

I saw Brooklyn at her locker and quickly walked in between people to get to her.

"Brooklyn. Hide me." I said 'secretly'

"Um. Good morning to you too? And are you hiding from your boyfriends?" She turns to me.

"Yes-I mean no! Their not my boyfriends, but yes." I quickly muttered out between my clenched teeth.

"Dutton! Why did you run away?" I heard an all to familiar voice call out to me. Good God, this is going to be a long day.

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