Start from the beginning

I then gently placed her on the bed and rewound all the incidents that happened today ......

The way she hugged me.....kissed me ....I mean not on the lips ofcourse....but I clearly see that she had accepted me as her husband knowingly or unknowingly .....

That's more than what I ve ever expected from her .......though I didnt want to expect any such things from her .....I can't help but hope for the feeling that I have always hoped her to feel for me...

Love ....the hopes in me for her to love me.....had again started to develop ....though my mind wanted me to snap out of it....I decided to ignore it and risk my feelings again ....

I sat on the bed just looking at her .....and running my fingers through her hair ....and then ....I decided to sleep ....

As she fell asleep ...I am a bit unsure whether ....I can sleep on bed like yesterday or I need to take couch ...

So I did what it felt best for me .....I decided to take the couch ....not to make any bad impression on her ....

As I took my medicine and closed my eyes dreaming of my seemingly visible future with My Amara ....

And suddenly I felt something soft thrown in my face .....with that I woke up with a jerk and saw a pillow laying on the floor.....as I saw that pillow....I saw a pair of beautiful feet and slowly lifted my head to find Amara standing infront of me with her hands folded ...looking angrily at me......for a reason that I dont know yet....

"What happened?Are u alright ....did u see a nightmare .....?"I questioned ....she then looked at me incrediously and said ..."U r asking me what happened ?seriously !!! Why the hell are u sleeping here Abhi?"

Then it dawned to me.....she is upset becoz I'm sleeping on the couch again ....That made me so fucking happyyy....she wanted to cuddle with me.....my lil cuddly baby ...

Though I knew ...her asking me to sleep with her on the bed becuz she saw a nightmare and was scared was all sham....I decided to make her come clean with her lies ....

So I played dumb ..."I mean ...yesterday it was because u saw a nightmare and wanted me to assist u in bed becuz u were scared ....but I can't continue sleeping on the bed by taking it for granted right ?"

She then grit her teeth "I will get a nightmare today too"....to which I said "Ok....I will come....if u see a nightmare ...go and sleep love "

She stomped her feet on the floor,fisted her palms and whined "U....Aaah....don't u know ...prevention is better than cure ....it's better to prevent nightmare by sleeping with me than to come when I see a nightmare ...and why the fuck are u just laying here without a blanket ...when it's so cold ?"

I then said ..."If I slept there it would make u uncomfortable....and about sleeping without a blanket ...u r the one who accepted that it would make u happy if I do so..."

She sighed irritatedly and clarified "Wtf Abhi....am I a psychotic bitch or something?.... Why would I be happy to see u suffering ...especially u ..."

"What do u mean by "especially me "?I questioned ....to which she blurted "I meant ....especially u....especially ...my husband ....for fucks sake....which sane wife would feel happy to see her husband suffering ...."

That made my heart flutter ....her calling me directly ...her husband ....Abhimaan Rajvansh ....me ....I am ....Amara Arora's husband.....hers ...husband ...that made me smile ...but I quickly covered it up ..

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