Chapter 9

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~Ryujiki's POV~

It has been a month since my first outing.

Ever since then, I snuck out every second night for runs around the city. Whether fortunately or unfortunately, I didn't run in to anyone else. There was noise and sound throughout the alleys of course, but it was hard to expect a city to be silent.

I only went out for two or three hours, wearing the same black hoodie. It had bullet holes in it and was bloodstained, but I had nothing else to do with it. I can't exactly ask Hitoshi where I can wash off blood. So I decided it will be my permanent outfit on my night trips.

Unlike my overconfident, manically happy, and menacing night persona, I was quite different during the day.

I still don't leave the house when it is light out, and in general I actually feel quite nervous of... everything. I went to online school but I don't turn on my camera. My face doesn't hold any scars other than a few pale ones around my eyes where Tomura gouged them out a few times, but they were barely noticeable. The rest of my body however, including my neck all the way up to my jawline, was covered in old torture marks. I don't mind if Hitoshi sees me, neither do I mind my mother, but just the mere thought of another person and I start hyperventilating.

That isn't the only change. Although me and Hitoshi are twins, at times I act like an overprotective older brother, but at others I act like a curious younger brother. It's mostly because the three years I was away Toshi kept going to school and was now most definitely much smarter than me. However I still wanted to keep him safe above all else.

The social worker came back twice in the past month, nagging me into taking my pills. She suggested a few therapists, all of which I rejected, and left disappointed. 

I didn't care.

Hitoshi is my top priority. If I ask mother to spend money on a therapist, that means there will be less money left for my twin. I'm already hogging all the attention, so I can't take anything else from him.

Life was good. I kept myself stable by going on night runs, and during the day I was learning from online school. I spent time with my brother, and helped my mother around the house.

Despite the environment being loud, and my second thoughts that I had time to time, I preferred this life to the one I had before.

I will definitely keep going out at night too, even if I run into more people in the end. It was quite fun last time, and I will need entertainment if I plan on spending all day inside.

~Hitoshi's POV~

Huh? What is he doing here?

School just ended for the year and, just like it has been for years, I was ignored on my way out. I saw Deku, who's real name turned out to be Midoriya Izuku, get stopped as he was packing up by Bakugou but decided to leave it be. I knew from experience that even if I tell the teachers, they won't do anything. Fighting the bullies would only get me in trouble, too, so it's best to stay out of it. Not to mention I was still unsure about my quirk.

As I was approaching the front gate, I saw Ryujiki leaning against it, wearing a long sleeved black turtleneck that I bought recently, along with black jeans and black combat boots.

Wearing my clothes, again? C'mon man, I know you don't own any, but I bought that turtleneck two days ago!! I laughed at my brothers antics, not actually concerned about something as trivial as clothes.

As I approached him, he looked up with a smile.

"Whatcha doing here bro?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

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