Chapter 3

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For the first time in ages, I felt peaceful. My body settled into a calm trance, and not a trace of pain remained.

It felt wrong.

I have been in pain for years. Unhealed bruises, burns, cuts, scrapes, or just sore bones from walking to and from school every day. There wasn't a moment where my body felt so calm. 

Am I dead?

That was the only explanation. Unless I got healed... but how the hell am I meant to afford that?

Yeah no thank you. I want the pain back.

I need proof that I am alive.

"Give it back..." I mumbled, opening my eyes groggily.

"Hello dear." A short old lady greeted me. "You must feel tired, since I just healed you. You had so many injuries. Try to sleep, okay?"

"Nuh uh."

She frowned. "What do you mean dear? Do you not feel tired?"

"Give it back." I stated. "Give the pain back. I need to be sure I'm alive."

"Of course you're alive! Did you question being alive before too?" She exclaimed.

"I always knew I was alive. Because I had it." I began to get frustrated. "You could be a figment of my imagination for all I know. I could be bleeding out in an alley right now, or I could be dead! Give it back!! I can't die just yet!! What about Toshi?! I CAN'T JUST LEAVE HIM LIKE THIS!!!"

I leapt off the bed and landed on all fours like a cat, since I was still quite disoriented. I stood up to my full height and took off, running out the door.

As I raced through the hospital in my ragged uniform, I surprisingly didn't crash into anything.

However the world suddenly tilted and a sharp ringing pierced my brain. My drawback.

Oh. I overused my quirk. Lovely.

I closed my eyes in pain and ended up ramming into a wall.

Pain raced through my body, and my head ached from the impact. Wait-

I didn't have time to organise my thoughts since the very next moment I heard someone yell in the direction I came from.

I'd rather not get caught thank you very much.

I picked myself off the ground groggily and ran off. After about half an hour of roaming around the massive hospital, I finally found some sort of back door that led to the outside.

I knew where I was, and I knew how to get home. Although it was very dark outside, and the moon was far in the sky, I thought I'd be able to make it in time.

Since I was newly healed, for the first time in forever I felt refreshed as I jogged through the alleys. My heart beat firmly, but my head was far from empty. This doesn't count as disobeying authority right? I wondered as I ran. This alley looks familiar. Only five minutes to go and I should be home.

I was nearing the final stretch. From where I was, I could already see the windows of our house. I could see Hitoshi's silhouette in the window of our shared room. I could see the familiar front fence that me and my twin painted purple a few years back.

Almost there.

Slowing down, I huffed from all the exercise. Yet as soon as I did, I shivered.

"Will this one do, Sensei?" A dry, crackling voice asked in annoyance.

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