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Author's Pov:

Giggles filled the hallways of her own house. Jiho kept talking about how cute his sister is. Aera smiled seeing her son being happy.

"Where were you?", both the pair of eyes landed on the human standing in the middle with his hands crossed. His voice was intimidating. Aera whispered, "Go to your room". Jiho looked at his mother and then ran to his room.

"I was in Jeonghan's house", she answered. "Why didn't you tell me?", he said, "It is almost 10 and you are not at home. I even tried calling you but you didn't pick up", Mingyu said.

Aera looked at him with furrowed eyes, "I had already messaged you, Gyu that I am going to meet Jeonghan later. I had even called you for that but now a days you never let me speak and hang up saying you are busy. And you said that you kept calling me but it was just a phone call, a single call. You called me only once that too when I was at the door step. I couldn't pick up the call because I had Jiho in my arms", Aera said calmly, "I was about to call you but you are already here".

Mingyu scoffed, "I never got a message".

"Really? Do you ever check your messages?", she asked. Mingyu opened his phone amd there were actually some messages from Aera. His expression changed to a guilty one. "You are changing Mingyu", Aera whispered.

"I-I am s-sorry. I was-"

"So busy today that didn't get time to check my phone. I know that reason Mingyu", Aera smiled sadly. She remembered the promise she made today to her son, "Don't you realise Gyu that we are falling apart? Don't you feel that? Can't you feel the distance between us? You rarely make time for us, especially for Jiho, Gyu. You are always busy with your work. I know work is important but so is your family", Aera said and went to their room without waiting for his reply. Mingyu stood as he saw Aera disappear from his sight. He knew she was right, he knew she trying to get back together as it was but he didn't let her. He was afraid what if she gets to know truth.

He went to their room but Aera was in washroom, probably taking a bath, he waited for her to came out so that they can talk but when Aera came out, he saw she was in no mood for talking about that. "So how is everyone there?", Mingyu asked while playing on his phone trying to change the topic. "Everything is good", Aera answered short.

Mingyu got up and went towards Aera who was now standing infront of window looking the busy city. "What really happened, Aera?", he asked. He was about to hug her but

"Jeonghan again asked me to meet that man and nothing else", Aera answered shortly.

'That man, her father, the person she hates the most', he said in mind retreating his hands back. He cleared his throat, "It is nothing serious right?".

Aera shook her head, "I don't think so", she turned around, "I'll go and check on Jiho. It is already his bed time". She smiled and went out.

Mingyu looked at his trembling hands. "I should be doing this", he whispered, "She hates such people and I am one among them. No".

Later that night, when Aera slept. Mingyu got up and went to his office room in the house. He sat on his chair, "I shouldn't be doing this", he whispered in guilty voice, "No, no, she will hate me. She will leave me", he shook his head.

"Gyu? What happened? Are you okay?", Aera asked coming inside. Mingyu looked at her with guilty eyes. "A-Aera, I want to tell you something", his voice lowered which almost came out as whisper.

"I-I know, I-I s-shouldn't have done this b-but I am sorry. I-I cheated on you with my secretary", Mingyu said closing his eyes waiting for Areum's reply. He always had a habit of stuttering when it comes to Aera. It was his worst nightmare, Aera going away from him. "You what? It not a time to joke, Mingyu", Aera whispered.

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