Chapter 11 ( hour 6 ) The dog and its master- act 1

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She then lets go off me and I feel sleepy and tired. "W-what did you do to m-me?" and that is the last thing I said, the last thing I saw is she is pulling her hair and I suppose she was wearing a wig. Once a light blue color 'hair' turns into a Brown one.
She starts peeling off her face and then her true face shows. If that wasn't miss ventique Clure is talking about. Then what is true and what is not?

Clure's POV:

I may find myself in a pickle if I drag this coversation with her any longer.
The 'guests' are slowly paying attention to us. She really is a pain to deal with, I hope that kid is fine.

She looks at me with a smile, a smile that I recongnise. It's almost the same as the late madam, well it is a given since she is her daughter.

Her black hair wavered as she moved towards me. Red ruby eyes that glared directly at my heart.  I may say she has matured properly both physically and mentally, but I know her very well that her heart did not.

She then talks to me. With a voice of concern.

" Have you eaten today Clure? I know a 'place' we can go. . With your friend over there." I looked at her with confusion. Then, looked at Erito who seemed getting further than me.

"Ah, you mean that fine gentleman? Yes, I suppose we can invite him, but as you can see he already left."

She chuckles a little then, Smiles with her eyes half opened. "Fortunately, that won't be such a problem. As he is just right behind you Clure."

Did I missheard her? There is no chance that Erito would come back- ! !
I looked behind me and there is Erito and someone carying him.

Brown hair that is tied with an outmost perfection, with a charming face that rivals a certain someone I know and that green jade eyes. Something about her feels familiar.

The way she walks.

"Well, I have my part of the deal Miss 'EV'. How about you? Will I be able to get that sweet sweet 'thing'?~"

And the way she talks.

I-it can't be..

"Miss Ventique.?"

She looked at me with shocked face but quickly recovered her composure and smiles at me.

"Ah, I thought you would not recongnise me Mr Clure!" she quickly walks to 'her'.

"Now then Clure would you be so kind as to acompany us in a 'tea party' this time around?" 

I glanced around me and the 'guests' are getting rather noisy. Looked back, and see that Simon and the dealer, Mr Gerydon are in shock.

"Please go on ahead . . Ms Ventique, and . ." I talk in a mumble to ensure no one heard her name.

"Envyina Henson."

She showed a smile but then that smile turned upside down. I suppose after all I have done, she can read my lips. "I will be waiting then, Clure Drai."

I run back to both Simon and Mr Gerydon. 

"H-H-Holy shit, I'm g-going to get fired am I C-Clure?" I nod my head. "Most likely yes. But depending on her mood, you could get away with this one."

"A-and that woman, she is that 'thing' little helper right? Can you please give them a couple of sweet words for me?"

I looked at him in pity he was, such a good a acquaintance before his brother. . Well that was a long time ago, no need to remember a bitter memory now.

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