chapter 4 (day 1?) - mistake of an idiot- part 3

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"The taste of love and disgust" Act 2

Day 1:

My name is [?] I was born in a very happy family. At school, I'm the top student and I have many good friends.

I love my life and I'm currently studying for an exam. The room suddenly becomes dark all of a sudden. I got up from my chair and try to find my way to the light switch.

But, why do I feel suffocated. .?

Oh no, what if the person sees me!? What should I do now, I've got nowhere to hide. AGH please fate help me get out of here. just like that the door opens and my body become frozen in place.

A voice of a girl can be heard beside the door. "Brother are you in there, can I come in?" with the door half opened, I'm lost for words and I don't think I can find my way out anymore.
"I will take that as a yes. I'm coming in" with a shocked voice I responded to the girl. "W-wait!" It is too late. We already made eye contact. A girl with brown-ish hair and is wearing a highschool uniform is at the door.

"BROTHER, why are you still in your sleeping clothes?!" "A-aaa-GAH, I'M SORRY FOR INTRUDING YOUR HOUSE PLEASE DON'T CALL THE POLICE" The girl shows a confused and worried face. " W-wha, brother did you eat something weird yesterday?" "What d-do you mean by 'brother'-"

Suddenly the entire world stops and An old book suddenly appeared at my hands. It is a book with no title and it seems no one has used it for a long time. What is the book purpose, what does it do? I pierce my self with these questions. Yet, there are only more questions than answers.

Ha, this is just great. I guess I can atleast take a break for a seccond- GAH. my right hand suddenly got out of my control and it flips the old book.
The paper shows info and many descriptions about the world and my objective. Honestly, the objective was stright forward. It is ' do not let his meter drop to 0'. what meter exactly? Beats me.

The seccond page shows an information about a girl.

[ Name: Risa Kotoshi
Status: Alive
Location: [?]'s room
The only sister of [?]. She always like
[ to be competitive with her brother.

With an confused face I said. Man, is this even a gambling game at all? Why is this machine even in a gambling casino in the first place. Well, I can't really complain, I still have 7 hours left before the grand end. It might be wise to kill some time in this casino. I take a big breath and Decided to flip the next page.

It says "Continue?" and thats all. The other pages are all in blanks with no notable stain of anything. But in the first place, I have nothing to write with in the begining. Am I supposed to 'tap' the paper? Oh well, here goes nothing.


" . . . Did something even happend?" shit, I must have looked like an fucking Idiot. Haa, this is just great what am I supposed to do now? [CLACK]. What was that- oh, oh dear heavens. A knife suddenly appear infront of me, and it was calling me to pick it up. Honestly, should I even to do this? Was it my poor choise of decisions that led me here? Let's just get this over with.


The page is covered by my blood, and as the book brighted I looked at the cut marks at my right arm that is caused by me. [The game will continue in 3..] wait, what about my blood, and the knife..? What will she think about this situation. [2..] JUST WAIT FOR A SECCOND- [1, Game started!].

[And the time starts again.]
"Brother, why are you spacing out all of a sudden?" she pokes me at the head multiple times while saying that.
She looks at my arm with a worried face. "Brother, w-what is this?" " I- don't worry about it, Risa." She reach out her arm and put it on my head.


"If you ever need help, just count on me okay?" My eyes wided by her words. It is making me remember of a certain someone. When I cry she comes and confort me, when I smile she smiles with me. Ah such good memory that I've forgotten. Tears begin flowing down my very eyes. "Ah, did I make you worry sis?" she smiled "Pretty much [Nakushi]"

[New Info recived!]

What was that.?
She grabed my left arm and helped me up. "Come on, brother lets go downstairs mother and father is waiting for you at the table." "Should I go and bandage my arm first?" she looks at me with a dumb face. "Ah- I totally did not forget about t-that. Go on then and meet us downstairs." with that she goes down stairs and left me alone.

Guess I better hurry then.



"Ah, Nakasuhi come sit with your sister." A voice of a man can be heard from the steps. He looks like in his 40's . He looks at me with a kind face which makes me feel safe and comfortable. [ New Info recived!]

[Name: Naruz kotoshi
Location: dinner table
Description: A proud father of Nakushi and Risa. Loves his family.Very thoughtful.

I hurried over to the chair, beside Risa ofcourse. We chatted for a while until a woman comes with a tray that is full of healthy food. "breakfast's ready!" she said with an happy voice. "That looks good dear, I'm a lucky man to have you" [ New info recived!]

[Name: Rarine kotoshi
Location: dinner table
Description: A proud Mother of [Nakushi and Risa. Loves her family and very kind.

"Oh honey~ don't say stuff like that infront of the children." I chuckled and smiled but for Risa however, she started to vomit out a rainbow stream out of her mouth.

'Father' and 'Mother' Laughed. Risa started pouting and seeing this lively family, it makes me smiled and tears started flowing down once again.

They stoped and looked and me with a worried face. "Haha.. Don't worry about me, Lets just eat!" I say that to them with a voice that is filled with pure joy and the biggest smile that I could make. They smiled and we all began eating.

While eating, I wanted to say something. "Mother, Father, and sister. I have something to tell you." Risa looks at me with a mouth full of rice "Wha- ish it?". For 'Father and mother', they look at me with a smiling face and is waiting for me to say something.

With that, I say it with all my heart.
"I Love Y-" My vision suddenly become hazy and I started feeling dizzy. "Ugh.. What is this, Feeling?" I can't see their expressions nor their faces at all. Suddenly an angry male and loud voice began forming in my head.
"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE." with that my nose started to bleed. "YOU DON'T BELONG IN HERE." I felt a sharp pain in my neck as if someone was choking me with both hands. "JUST DIE AND FUCK OFF" With that I threw blood of my plate.

The family is trying to making me feel better and dad is calling for an ambulance while sister confort me. Mother is nowhere to be seen, must have gotten some pain killers or whatever. My breathing is shallow and I could barely keep myself awake.
I could hear my heart beat, beating fast out of fear. Then, this world. Turn to black.

[New info recived! ( Nakushi kotoshi's journal)]

[day 1 ended, 2 days left!]

"The taste of love and disgust" Act 2

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