Chapter 6 ( end of a wild ride ) the greed overflows - act 1

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"To my own self reflection on that broken mirror."

"Ah, umm, I'm sorry to intervine b-but should I do now.?"

They both turned red and it seems like they forgotten about a person that is waiting for a result.

"Ah, pardon my actions Nasuri and Nakusuki. I belive you need to give him some time Nasuri. Try to wait until tommorow."

"Is that so? I see then, thank you ' doctor'. "

. . .


"How are you feeling now Nakusuki?"

I stare into the orange sky wondering if I could be a better person. I could try but would anyone view me as a human being anymore?

"Heelooo Naku-suki do you hear me?"

The both of us alone in this well-lit room makes me think deeply about my actions. My old friend that I left, and the price I had to pay for it.

But, I still want to try even if its all futile in the end. Even if everything just burns and get tore appart right infront of my eyes. I still want to

" . . . "


"Agh what was that for?!"

The doctor flicks his finger on my forehead. Causing me to react.

" What are you looking at Nakusuki? You know it is rude to ignore a person's question."

"I- I'm sorry doctor, I truly am."

He then chuckles

"Come on kid I know you are hiding something from me."

" W- what are you talking about doctor..?"

He then look at my face and at that time I'm unsure what expression I had on my face.

"Okay then, I won't force you into telling me."

"I- um, thank you.."

He stood up from his stool and grabs his pen and a clipboard from a nearby desk and sat down again on the stool.

" I will ask you some question will you be fine with that?


He began asking me questions like any doctor would. Each of the questions are your regular everyday questions. Like 'Have you sleept well?' and ' Did you experience any symptoms such as this and that'.

However, the last few is.. Well diffrent.

"What is your aunty's favourite food?"


"Ah let me rephrase that, what is Nasuri's favourite restaurant?"

"E-excuse me may I ask why are you asking me these questions?"

"Shush, just answer my question and we will be done after this?"

And so, I did just that. I answered his questions with the best of my ability.

"Alright we are done here, I will go now Nakusuki."

"w-wait a seccond."

He looks at me once again.

"What is it?"

"B-by any chance, do you l-like my aunty.?"

"Tch, I knew you would ask that."

He covers his face with his hand not allowing me to read his expression.

"Well, how should I put this. What I'm feeling is not 'like'. It's more like 'Love'."

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