Chapter 2 (hour 2 ) -part 1-. ' mistake of an idiot'

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' A lost like many others '

Hour: 9:59
Date: 12 . 12 . ---------
Dear diary,

*My name is Erito Kashiruga.
and I want to die.*

I had a fine morning today for my last 10 hours. I did many of interesthing activities such as  cutting myself to create a beautiful master piece.

The taste of blood was nothing but pure delicacy to my taste buds. I was temped to cut the rest of my body aswell, but I decided to do something better than that.

Hanging myself on a rope ofcource!
It was such a AMAZING experience to get strangled by a rope. Unfortunately the rope were not strong enough thus it broke.

Currently I'm going to finish my bucket lists before the end of the 10 hour mark. First location,
Carnival place.

Then, I noticed myself low on money.
To the casino I go, even knowing that gambling is risky.


After everything that has happend so far, I've decided to continue my plan.
It is true that I'm scared of death.
I don't want to die, but each time a sucidal thought passes by me I will always be the one who is fast enough to do it.

Knowing what would happen next if my mind wanders off, I decided to move a soon as possible to minimize my chances of atempting suicide before the grand ending.

I feel something weird in my stomach. I decided to go to the bathroom to take a bathroom break before going out of the appartment. The smell of someone smoking can be noticed as the walls and the air way in this appartment are good as a bagged trash. Ignoring the smoke, I take care of my business.

After finishing.

I looked myself in the mirror in my bathroom. A reflection apear like any other mirror would do but this time the reflection itself look so dead. Something tells me that I could be dreaming yet it is only me and my own refelection in this room.

Terrified of the idea of the mirror being hunted, I took a step back from the mirror. Nothing happend really, which make it lame. All of a sudden I again felt a crushing pain inside my head. In an instinct, I held my head with both of my arms and sooner, the room looks more darker than it normaly would be.

The hurting eventually started to be less of a pain, I then release a sigh of relief. Just as I was going to look at the other direction of the mirror, The boy inside of the mirror talked to me.

"I don't think this is what a good feeling is supposed to be"

With no hesitation I reply back.

Why so? I did this to myself. It is better to fell such pleasure once in a while.

"I still don't know if this is the right thing to do. I'm scared. It hurts."

Although I'm scared, although it hurts. My heart has been satisfied.

"Soon you will cover yourself in bruises from head to toe. Eventually, your body will break down until your blood and skull will be seen as it will separate from your own body"

Yet, I still want to experience the same thing more and more. There is no one who cares about this pityfull body. Don't tell me 'you' care about this pityfull body now.

". . ."

No one respond to my cries. Not even this dirty reflection of mine. I asked the boy on the mirror once again. I look at the boy questioning if this was all a dream and wandering if I had gone mad. But,

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