Chapter 9 ( hour 5 ) A Risky Gamble- act 1

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"That storm was the annoying part of my trip to this casino." The woman speaks." You guys ready to play? Cause I am." The man speaks.

"Since the table is full and you are all ready to play, let's get it started then."
The dealer said in a deep tone.

(Hey, I don't even want to play!)
" Yeah, let's start.."

The dealer deals our card and each of us should get 2 of it. The dealer deals the card to us whom are playing with top notch' speed.


Other players caught the card flying to them across the table with ease.
"wow so fast and accurate~. I wonder what else can you do with that hand of yours." The woman said and I don't understand what she ment by that.

"What is wrong with your head?" The guy said to the woman. "This actually might be a worth- while game. Looking forward to it!" The blonde haired man said.

They all seemed ready to play, and the last pair of card is heading towards me. I used all my strength I have to catch it on time.


I slammed my hand on the table and I swear I heard the table itself cracking.
Bad news is I did not even caught the cards. The cards bounced of the table 'wall' and it was stopped by my already placed hand. "Please refrain yourself from having a hard contact with the table or I may have the kick you out from this table."
The dealer said in an warning kind of tone which send a shiver down my spine.

"Y-yes sir."

They started to play and The dealer asked. "How much is the starting bet people?"

All the three of them except me said,
"20" I panicked and in an stuttering voice, I said. "20 a-aswell." "Place your chips then, my lady and gentlemans." said the dealer.

I looked at the gambling tokes that I was given and no matter how I looked at it, I can't tell the diffrence because the numbers on the chip is unreadable. Ah, whatever I will just throw all of the chips I have.


"Ah, 'sir'? You put more than 20 chips, it is now currently 25 for your starting bet in my hand." The bald man gives me the extra chips that I have given and I noticed the woman was looking at me with a small grin.

*GLUP* Heh, I'm probably worring over nothing. Right? I looked at my cards and it was two 'ten' card which one of it is a red heard and the other a spade.


After the dealer had finished sorting out the betting chips which he put beside him, he then draw three card. Of course I don't know what this means.

The first card is an eight diamond.

The seccond is five clover.

The third is two clover.

I don't know what to do anymore. I just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. I don't know if I wanted to commit self unalive at this point. Oh I regret my life choises but in the end I started off terrible in life so, eh'.

I looked at my oppenments and they are smiling except for one. The man sitting near the woman is looking uneasy as if something unlucky had happend to him.

"HeHeHey! A bad draw huh? You should just fold now. 'Dum dum' " the blonde man said.

"How rude." the dealer said. Please don't berate other players." the dealer said to the blonde man.

"Oh come on it was not even the full word!" the blonde man said. "No exception. Do that once again, I will have to kick you out myself." "Fine, whatever man." the blonde man answers.

We continued and here comes the main problem. I don't think I have enough betting chips to last a round longer. The man that 'give' his card to the dealer is waiting for something.

"I will raise five, how about you guys?" the blonde man look at us with a smiling face. "Are you kidding me, A five? You sure got alot of nerves to do that." the man responded with a clenched fist.

" I will just follow you guys, after all I'm confidant I will win on this one" the woman looks at the blonde man with her mouth covered with her stretched out hand.

"I will do the same I suppose.." I said as I followed them put an extra chip on the table and the dealer takes it.

Another card is pulled and its the fourth card. Its an four heart.
Suddenly the guys said something.

"I'm done. Yeah, I'm out." the man throws his card to the dealer and then goes with the flow of the crowd.

"Soo, anyone else wanna continue?" the blonde guy gestures his hand both to me and the woman.

"whatever you say darling." she laughs as she said those words. The blonde man then put another chip that now has an writen '50' to the chip. "Wow, thats a bit much for the first 'game' don't you think~?"

"Hey hey hey! If you don't have the money you can just go like that guy."

A sudden cold glare is fixed upon the blonde man. "I'm just sayin' ya' know, Mr dealer." as he scrub the back of his head.

"Fine, I will increase the bid of yours then, try to keep up." she then place a chip that now writen '100' on it." As that happend the blonde man laughed . " You sure have alot of trust on your cards huh? " he then took back his 50 chip and replaces it with a 100 one. " That checks in for me, so what about you lil' guy?"

RUDE! I'm a very mature man If I do say so myself. I can work overtime, follow orders and uh. . I think thats it.?

"So you have the money to continue or are you going to kick the bucket right away?"

Hearing that phrase, makes feel attacked. It's like he is reading me like a book. It's like I'm a mere ant that comes face to face with someone like him.


"W-what are you talking about.?"


This loud sound gather some attention to the crowds.

"Thats enough Simon. Go get a rest."

The dealer looks at the blonde guy whom he calls 'Simon' with a concern face.

"Huh, what's gotten into you? Since when did you sided with the 'guests'?
Have you gone soft since that Red haired son of a bi'ch left that 'thing'?"

Than all I know next was the blonde man fall head first to the floor.
Not wanting a single problem with the dealer, the crowd goes back to mind their own business. "Miss, could you go and get a cup of cold water for this person, I promise to give you someting in return for your help."

The woman thinks for a moment.

"I will pass on that 'Mr dealer', I think a certain someone had got it covered."

Then a small tap beside my shoulder occur. There I see him, holding a glass of with his left hand. "Hello Erito, It's good to see you here." He smiles and then waves at the woman. "Oh, and hello to you too Ms Ventique."

His dashing look stole all the spot light that the world have to offer and his red hair and eyes makes him look even better.

"Wow, what an entrace this is my dear Clure, perhaps can I have a moment to seek an audiance with your SATISFING and LONG, heart of a man~"

A light chuckle that sound like 'fhu' coming stright out of her mouth. " Still have not changed do you?"

"Anyways lets get back on track shall we?" Clure then drop the glass of water to the blonde man.

Another insane person, Oh come on Clure I thought you are diffrent!!

Chapter 7 ( hour 5 ) A Risky Gamble- act 1


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