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yourusername a month flew by! super excited 4 u to see what i've been up to (in the distant future) 🌷

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user2 hyperventilating

yourusername like a year LMAO

walker.scobell didn't ask dont care
yourusername going to strangle u later 😠
walker.scobell can u even reach my neck

user4 cant wait for the return stream omgomg

user5 my beautiful, angel, queen, lovely, gorgeous, stunning, attractive, alluring, pretty, exquisite lady

user6 she could fix me


the train rattles to a stop at the very same station you had waited on exactly one month ago. you only had one person on your mind. and there he was, eyes scanning the train windows in hopes that he could catch a glimpse of you first.

wait, is he holding flowers? you wonder to yourself in disbelief, suppressing a smile. such a dork.

excitement bubbles up in your chest as you scramble to get out of the carriage. walker yells your name and waves, a huge grin on his face. without thinking, you break into a run to reach him and pull him into a hug.

"woah, calm down, i'm not going anywhere," he jokes lightly. you didn't realise how much you had missed him until now. you stare at each other for a long moment, feeling like all the time in the world had passed since you had last seen each other and yet no time at all. you gently brush a stray curl away from his eye.

that's when he takes your face in both hands and presses his lips to yours.

the air is knocked out of your lungs but you somehow manage to kiss him back. when he pulls away, his cheeks are flushed. you couldn't stop smiling.

"well, that was quite the greeting," you say awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"honestly, i've been wanting to do that the whole time you were gone," he admits sheepishly, suddenly unable to meet your eyes.


"okay, maybe a little longer than that."

you can't help but pinch his reddened cheek. "and... are those for me?" you gesture to the flowers placed on the train bench next to him.

"no, actually, they're for another girl i've been waiting for," he says sarcastically as he hands them to you.

"thank you. they're beautiful." warmth blooms in your chest and you beam at him appreciatively.

"and, i was thinking... maybe we could go out tomorrow? like on a date? with me. on a date," he rambles nervously. usually things came so easy with him, so natural, but this time it was different. you found it cute.

"i would like that."

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Liked by bradynoon and others

yourusername a fan just came up to me and gave me flowers

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user1 OH MY GOD

user2 is this who i think it is

user3 why just why
user4 like u had a chance
user5 bc they like each other?

walker.scobell is this the thanks i get
yourusername yep!

user6 the gasp i just let out

leahsavajeffries @aryansimhadri you owe me ten bucks
aryansimhadri aw man
yourusername are you BETTING on us???
leahsavajeffries noooo of course not why would u think that 😇

user7 fucking finally

user8 rue... when was this?

user9 love u both so bad

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