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yourusername is live: trying not to burn the house down (baking stream)

"are we live?" you ask, leaning over the countertop from your kitchen towards the camera. walker gives a thumbs up from behind the camera, adjusting it slightly so most of the kitchen is in view. you greet the stream and gesture to the ingredients laid out in front of you.

"today, i will attempt to make cookies. i have someone joining us today, you've probably never heard of him before since he isn't very popular-"

"what-" walker exclaims, staring at you from behind the camera. you laugh.

"please welcome, percy jackson!" you circle the countertop and tug on his sweater, pulling him into view. he gives a little wave.

"hey guys!"

user1 WALKER
user2 my boy
user3 theyre so cute
user4 oh god theyre gonna set the place on fire

"okay, so we are working together," you emphasise, slapping his hand away from the packet of chocolate chips he was inching towards.

"yes, right. together," he repeats, mischief in his eyes.

"so!" you clap your hands, staring at your laptop with the instructions. "wash hands, check, now eggs and butter." you pour the melted butter into a bowl and gesture at the carton of eggs. "walker, do the honours, please."

"it would be my pleasure," he says playfully as he cracks the first egg with ease.

"now, don't mess the next one up," you warn. as he cracks the second egg, bits of eggshell fly into the mixture. "walker!" you pretend to be upset.

"you messed me up!" he yells back, elbowing your shoulder.

you feign offense. "no i didn't!"

"its fine, its fine," he says, fishing the pieces out with a spoon. "see? all gone. never even happened." you roll your eyes.

"uh huh, very convincing."

things go a little more smoothly after that, until its time to add the flour. "now, add the flour into the bowl," you instruct, as walker holds the measuring cup. he dumps the flour in aggressively, and a white cloud powders both of your faces.


"oops," walker says. "too late." you stare at him, his cheeks littered with flour. you swipe at his cheek with a thumb and flour coats it. his ears turn pink as he realises how close your face is to his.

"look, now you're all dirty," you tut, rubbing at his cheek to try and get rid of the flour. he wrinkles his nose and tries not to think about you too much. he fails.

then he grabs a pinch of flour and flicks it into your face, laughing. "now we match!"

"walker!" you splutter. "you are dead!" he flinches as you toss a handful of flour and it explodes all over his shirt on impact. you grab another handful, hand poised in the air, just in case he tries anything else.

"okay, i forfeit," he shouts, throwing his hands up.

you smile smugly. "i win."

"not for long," he mutters under his breath.

"what was that?" you ask.

"oh, nothing," he says lightly, turning his attention towards mixing the cookie batter. as he's mixing, you tip some blue food colouring into the mixture and he smiles.

once its stirred, the both of you work shoulder to shoulder, rolling and placing the cookies in comfortable silence. walker keeps sneaking glimpses of you from the corner of his eye, thinking you won't notice him staring.

but you do, and at one point you're brave enough to turn your head and meet his eyes. he gives you a smile, cheeks dusted in a pink blush and blonde curls falling over his forehead.

"what? do i have something on my face?" you question.

"your face," he quips, and breaks the eye contact.

when you pick up the tray and turn to the oven, you pause. "walker... you did preheat the oven like i asked before the stream, right?"

"um." he rushes to the oven and turns it on, then gives you a thumbs up. "yes."


"im sorry!"

"what were you even doing?"

"i don't know!"

you catch a glimpse of the chat.

user1 if i wanted to watch ppl argue i would just see my parents
user2 mom and dad are fighting again
user3 breakup era

"we're gonna lose viewers now! look, they're all leaving cause of you," you joke.

"don't leave!" walker protests, hands clasped in prayer towards the camera. he gets on his knees dramatically.

"your theatre kid's coming out," you snicker and he shoots you a glare, getting back up from the floor.

in the end, the batch of cookies are a little mishaped, but taste just as good. walker high fives you.

"we make a pretty good team, huh?"

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