Chapter 31: Pretty Little Secret

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The next day, Tony is boxing with the punching bag in the gym when one person is looking at him to teach him how to box Samantha and Willard come to the gym until he sees them and stop hitting with the punching bag once he is walking over to them.

Tony: Are you guys looking for work?

Samantha: Arthur got the message from me.

Tony: I know you guys are coming to the gym and getting funky. Somehow, we were putting through the work at some point.

Willard: We are but I gotta get off my chest. Cause me and Samantha were going through the other things to the position when we carried away. I decided to join with your friend if he had something important to us.

Tony: I wished he should be in the gym and getting discovered for work on the mission. I already know that you two preparing for us when you gave him a big thing.

Willard: Arthur knows it. Because he can think of his brain.

Tony: You called it. Come on, both of you need to get the bodywork.

Samantha: *looks at Willard and shrugs*

Willard: *smiles a bit and starts doing exercise*

Samantha: *setting up the timer when she is prepared to do exercise*

Tony: *looking at them*

Meanwhile, Simon goes out on the trail and jogs around for the next half an hour. While he's jogging on the trail when he sees Candice jogging past him as soon as he turns around to confront her.

Simon: Candice!

Candice: *sees Simon* Oh, Simon. How are you?

Simon: Pretty good. I've never seen you in a minute.

Candice: Same. It's always been good to talk to each other.

Simon: I agree.

Candice: What are you doing on campus since you're being a professor?

Simon: It was alright so far, I gotta get a little bit more better either way I'm gonna have it. Perhaps, students are having a hard time or an easy time to begin with. All of the assignments were doing well and I'm going to check the papers out to see the results.

Candice: You did a pretty good job in there.

Simon: Thanks for my attention.

Candice: Sure thing.

Simon: I'm going to turn back around.

Candice: See ya.

Simon: *continues jogging*

Later that night, Willard takes Keri out to the miniature golf so that he can spending with his relationship most of the time when Keri feeling happy that she knows where it at. They arrived in the building to set up to play golf.

During the play, Keri is taking another shot for a good point while Willard is taking a break when he drinks a little sip he sees her coming closer and she sits right next to him.

Keri: Willard, I was thinking that how about we can go to the club tomorrow night.

Willard: Keri, you know what? I do just that. But I know you were looking for a pretty dress to wear.

Keri: I do and I will pay for your thing, my thing.

Willard: What thing?

Keri: Paying for tickets so we can go in. Or is it, your cousin, Samantha join us?

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