"I double promise." Doc answers with a teardrop in his eye, the idea of how much he cares for Tango almost feeling like a weakness, but maybe a weakness Doc can accept.

"Thank you, Doc." Tango hugs him again before waving goodbye and walking off to find his parents along with the other children who were there.

"No problem." Doc mutters before turning around. His parents never came for him. They were too busy doing absolutely anything else except caring for their child, yet it was his fault, for the way he looked, the way he was, the eleven year old had messed up genes, he didn't inherit either of his parents mutations, he got a twisted mix of many random mutations, a twist that made his skin green and his head have horns.

His parents were embarrassed to even acknowledge him, scared to get dirty looks from anyone else who lives here, and this was the towm which treated everybody with respect no matter what, yet he feels like an outcast in his own home

He finds his house, not anything particularly special but a decent place none the less, his parents didn't hold much wealth but enough to survive, in reality there was no rich or poor here, everyone was equally as wealthy and shared almost everything they had.

Doc opens the door to the place he calls home, finding his father slump on the couch with a tipped cup of ale in his hand. "Im home." He quietly says, not receiving a response as his mother gives him a quick look before walking towards his father.

"You! wake up! it's back!" She hits him on the arm, her referring to him as 'It' always broke him, like a dagger threw his heart as his own mother refused to acknowledge he was even a human.

His father slowly opened his eyes as the cup of ale finds itself dropping to the ground. His father loved drinking more than him, more than his mother, he thought sometimes.

"Oh, boy, come here!" The drunken man shouted, Doc quickly walking over to him "Yes father?" he asks quietly, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Go get me another cup, would you?" The man says, although it seems almost like a question, it's not, and the punishment would not be worth it if Dox was to deny his request.

"Sure." Doc quickly replies before walking towards a barrel in the room. He liked his father more than his mother. He may have been a drunk, but Doc was at least human to him, and he was less nasty too as long as Doc wasn't any trouble, his mother on the other hand was mean no matter what.

Doc walks back to his father with a cup in hand, slowly handing it over to the man who skips any thanks.

"I'll tell you what, your son may be disgusting, but at least he can do as told." The drunken man laughs to himself before pouring the ale down his throat.

"Don't be ridiculous. It's weak and does more damage than good. If it was up to me, i wouldn't let it out of the house ever." His mother scoffs, Doc finding himself looking to the ground in an attempt to hide the tears.

"Look what you did. You made him cry!" His dad sighs as his mother walks over to him.

"This is that little boy, isn't it? Is it him making you weak, i thought we told you to leave him alone. You'll only make him as disgusting as you." She gets up close to his face as she shouts in his ears.

Doc is lost for words. He tries to apologise, but the sentence doesn't find its way out of his throat.

"You hear me. Leave him!" She shouts again, his father refusing to contribute to either side.

"But, he's my friend!" He shouts back at her, instantly finding himself regretting ever opening his mouth. "Im sorry!"

"What did you just say to me?" She laughs before turning around and walking towards a countertop where she finds a long object. "Turn around." She demands.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora