EP15: [Finale] Be mine

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True to Phi Jimmy's words, a century has passed. His wounds had closed but Dunk had shown no sign of waking up. Joong would visit him every day, updating him on what has been going on within the Aydin nest. He would read him stories from Zo's favourite book collection. He would remind him that he loves him- something that he wasn't able to tell him personally before he went into deep sleep.


Joong had became an active member within the clan once again. He was pinching the bridge of his nose as he went back home from a clan meeting. He really hadn't missed all these tedious meeting at all. Joong took off his coat and went to Dunk's room. An automatic response that he had built within his routine. He was surprised to find the bed empty. Fear struck in his heart as he remembered how he found Zo's dead body after a clan meeting. He searched frantically around the manor, only to find him sitting on the railing of the balcony. The moonlight casting an ethereal glow on him. His iris was glowing red when he looked towards him.

"You're home." He smiled at Joong.

"You're finally awake." Joong commented awkwardly. He didn't quite know how to respond. He wasn't sure if it was Dunk or the Blood Prince. He wasn't sure if they were two different personas or if they were one and the same.

"Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for taking care of me. I really love story time. Can you read the Legend of Love again?" Dunk's signature bright smile graced him.

"Dunk..." Joong was relieved that it was Dunk that he was speaking to but he wasn't too sure.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save Zo." Dunk said regretfully.

"Of all the power that I have, I do not have the gift of foresight. If I had known-" Joong stopped him.

"It's not your fault, Dunk. No one could have predicted it. I don't blame you." Joong hugged Dunk. Finally feeling his solid form in his embrace after a century.

"But you should, you really should. He came to see me hours before he died." Dunk sighed. Dunk began to tell Joong about the story between him and Zo. 

Dunk had not recognized Zo on their first meet but he had bonded with him because in essence, they were essentially the same person. Dunk's power had yet to be awoken but Zo was a family elder, so he knew. He had waited for Joong to leave before meeting Dunk. Zo had been ready. He knew that he will cease to exist once he merges with Dunk. Joong's eyes widen at that revelation. Dunk huffed a laughter.

"But his love for you was so strong, how could I deny him? Zo and I are the same person but yet we are not. I have absorbed back my essence but I have also granted him new life, to have the freedom to be. Gave him the knowledge of blood magic so he may protect himself better but he used it to protect you." Tears rolled down Joong's face. Dunk hugged him and gave him a moment of silence to grieve for Zo. Once Joong had calmed down, he couldn't help but ask,

"Why did you choose come here?"

"Zo had sacrificed himself for you. It is only right that I come over to check if you were doing well. I didn't expect to fall for your charm in the process." Dunk had laughed at his own statement. 

"Who am I kidding, how can I escape if Zo had fallen for you." Zo and him were essentially the same after all. Joong couldn't help but wear a smug smile. 

"so, how does it work? Are you Dunk or the Blood Prince?" Dunk laughed.

"We are one and the same now. Dunk is a part of me to begin with. Just that Dunk didn't have the memories of the past. I could only hold onto myself for moments at a time. My powers were too weak, I needed time to heal. To have your essence torn apart, suffice to say, it was a very traumatic experience." Joong hugged Dunk, hoping to take away the pain of the past.  

"And now? What role will you take on?" Joong was afraid of losing Dunk. He doesn't know what role he would take as the Blood Prince but he'll respect whatever decision he make. 

"I'm your fledgling" Dunk grinned cheekily. Joong huffed at that reply. He couldn't hold himself back as he pinched Dunk's nose. Dunk had pouted. It warmed him to know that he is still the Dunk he knows, still the Dunk he loves. Joong had laughed before leaning his forehead against his.

"Gu rak meung (I love you)." Joong whispered against his lips.

"Gu rak meung meun gan (I love you too)" Dunk replied with a smile. Joong placed a soft kiss against his lips.

"Will you bind with me?" Joong asked when they broke the kiss.

"So bold of you to ask the Blood Prince to bind himself to you." Dunk teased him before placing a kiss on his lips. Letting him know that he was joking and that he was interested.

"You are but a fledgling in my care." Joong teased back. Dunk laughed as he nodded his head. Joong had dived in for a passionate kiss. Dunk wrapped his legs around Joong's waist as Joong carried him to his bedroom without breaking their kiss. It was a night of passion where Joong binds Dunk to him for eternity. His mating mark showing proudly on Dunk's neck. Dunk wouldn't have it any other way.  


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If this series had an OST which song would it be? 🤔🤔 Probably this? what do you think?

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: This is it! there's always a bittersweet feeling when it comes to ending. I can't believe that the inspiration for this series came from one photo, Dunk's photo during I dunno which Xmas event 🙀🙀 N do you like the last photo of the end of this EP?🤭🤭I can't thank you enough for your support and kind votes throughout this series. You peeps have really encouraged me to keep writing. Khoorp khun maak maak loiie! (thank you so much!) 

Did you like this series? What about it that you like best? 

🤔🤔after having ost for I'm destined to love you and this series... I'm thinking is it possible to have an ost for all the series m writing ?🤣🤣Let's see if it's possible. It's interesting diving into the lyrics and finding one that match. 

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