EP8: Good-bye

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Kot was annoyed with Joong. He had always felt that Zo was too good for him. He feels the same when it came to Dunk. But love is love. There was no explanation for it. He openned his drawer, taking the letter out.


Joong was surprised to see Kot. He would never willingly seek him out, unless if he was with Pat. He placed a letter on his table.

"Zo left this for you. He asked me to give it to you when it is time. I guess it is time." He left before Joong could respond. He was shocked and angry at the same time that Kot would keep something like this from him. For more than a decade at it. He opened the letter. Tears started to roll down his face as he saw the familiar handwriting of his mate.

My beloved,

If you are reading this, it would only mean one thing- I wasn't given a choice in leaving you. As immortals, it may seemed far fetch to be preparing a letter like this but I want to be selfish for once. I want you to live on. I want you to find someone in your journey forward.

If I get to choose your future mate, I hope it would be someone like Dunk. I may be your sun but the sunshine in him shines brighter than the sun itself. It doesn't change anything, my love. 

I love you. I love you so much. Please Joong, live on for me. Find someone who will love you like me or maybe even more. Give me the peace of mind that you'll be loved and happy even when I'm not able to be by your side.

Seni Seviyorum (I love you) 

Your sun, 


Joong wailed. He let out all grief, pain and anguish of losing Zo.


Dunk had hugged Phi Jeng, Phi Pok, Phi Park, Phi Trinn, Phi Wave and Phi Kot as he bid them farewell.

"Don't you want to wait for Joong?" Phuwin frowned. It was rather sudden for Dunk to ask to be transferred to the clan house. He wondered if Joong knew of this. Dunk shook his head.

"He won't care anyway." A look of sorrow flashed across before he exchanged it for a smile.

"Bpai sii (let's go)" he marched towards the car.

Pond and Phuwin hoped that Joong doesn't regret this. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Zo...🤧🤧 Joong better hurry... 😅😅

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