EP13: The rescue Pt3

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Dunk cast an illusion so that the slayers no longer saw Joong and the group. Joong can't begin to understand what was happening. 

What did the slayer mean when he called him the Blood Prince?

"You know about me? So it must have been you rogues who torn my essence, trying to destroy me." Dunk looked at them vehemently.

"Well, you are mostly whole, isn't it? Seems like you still have some of your powers."

"Enough to deal with you" Dunk looked back at Joong. He graced him with a soft smile as if to say good-bye. Before Joong could respond, the fight between Dunk and the slayers began.


Luke cursed the fact that he had forgotten about the Blood Prince's mind-bending powers when some of his men started attacking his own. He had no choice but to kill them.

"Weak fools" He muttered as he slashed the throat of the last one under his spell.

"hmm... And you say we are evil one. You didn't even spare your own." Dunk looked at Luke with judgment in his eyes. Luke threw holy water at him but Dunk dispersed into a cloud of bats. They flocked towards a few of the slayers taking them down before returning to his form.

Joong, Pond and Phuwin were astonished by what they saw, as they witnessed skills that they've read in books. They no longer exist within their clan. Dunk would have to be millennia old to be able to practice it with ease.


It was now down to Luke and Dunk. Dunk looked as if he didn't even break a sweat, while Luke was panting. Luke smiled as Dunk walked into the pentagram he drew, believing that he had trapped him within. He took the scythe, aiming it at Dunk's shoulder but it didn't slash all the way down. He had drawn blood but he was no match for Dunk's strength. He threw him across the room. He reached for the King's bible hurriedly but Dunk had a tight grip on his throat before he could start chanting.

"Van Helsing understood it well. But you don't. No one disturbs the law of natural order. Remember to ask for redemption when you see your Holy Father." Dunk crushed his neck.

The red fades from Dunk's iris. The illusion that Dunk casted fell along with him. Joong rushed forward, laying Dunk on his lap. He saw the gaping wound from the scythe. He saw specks of silver in his wound.

Silver poisoning.

Joong started to panic upon realization.

"Dunk nooi (Dunk is tired), Phi Den..." Dunk's speech was slurred.

"Mai dai norn (Don't sleep), Dunk. Dunk, Duuunnnkkkk!!!" 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I did say silver messes with the vampire system but to what extend?... we'll find out tomorrow😅😅

*writer's rant: this was a difficult EP to write... Actually the last EP and this was rather challenging. I find it very difficult to find the right words when it comes to action and fight scenes. It's even more difficult for this EP. If one could revive the undead and a vampire at it, what do you call it exactly? What binds them together? they don't have a soul...🤔🤔 I just gave up and called it essence. what to write to make it sound cool when Dunk kills Luke? I don't even know if it made sense. 

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**oh yea, I was a lil 😵‍💫😵‍💫 yesterday, working on two series after a long day and forgot to attach Luke's photo, i think it's pretty obvious who he is, but just in case, here it is:

**oh yea, I was a lil 😵‍💫😵‍💫 yesterday, working on two series after a long day and forgot to attach Luke's photo, i think it's pretty obvious who he is, but just in case, here it is:

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