EP3: colour

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His nest became more alive since the arrival of Dunk. Joong had thought most of them had left. It was only now that he realized that they had hid from him. It wasn't a surprise to him that Pok is around since his cousin, Jeng is around. But he was surprised to see Pat and especially Kot . They were Zo's best friends after all. Park, Phi Wave and Phi Trin stayed as well. He had thought that they had all left with the parting of Zo. It had warmth his heart that they are still here with him through it all.

Joong had not taken a fledgling in in ages. But through the centuries, he had never seen a vampire as hyperactive as Dunk. That was what drawn Zo to Dunk during their first encounter.

"If anyone was a ray of sunshine, it would be Dunk. I don't think I can beat him in this aspect." Zo had joked with Joong. It would be scandalous for the others to know but Joong had always lamented on how Zo was his sun, the one and only person who brightens his world. His eyes darken as he remembered that his sun no longer shine.


Joong was still not accustomed to Dunk's red coat and white shirt and slacks. He had asked Dunk on his second day of arrival.

"Don't you stand out like a sore thumb with the way you dress?"

"I don't know. No one said anything before you. Paaw and Pa said it was cute. You should live a little, Phi Den. A little colour won't hurt." He felt a stab to the heart at the familiar phrase. Memory flashed across his mind.

Zo was laughing as he frowned at the teal coloured bedsheet.

"Live a little, Joong. A little colour won't hurt."

The exact same phrase...

Joong walked off without a word. Dunk was left confused. His head tilted at he tried to understand Joong, his new sire.


One thing for sure, Dunk really loved his colours. His nest had never been this bright in the centuries that he has lived in it. It was giving him a headache.

"Jeng!!" he shouted. Everyone turned their head as they heard Joong shout.

"What's all these?!" Joong's voice boomed. Jeng wasn't ready to deal with Joong's infamous wrath. Zo would always shield them previously. Now without Zo, Joong was a loose cannon that all of them wanted to avoid.

"Mi alai a (what)? None of you go out during daylight so I brought colours into the nest!" Dunk beamed. Jeng can practically see the vein twitching at the side of his temple.

"Whose nest is this? Why are all of you listening to this fledgling?!" Kot was quick to pull Dunk behind him before Joong tried to hurt him. But Dunk didn't want the others to be in trouble because of him.

"I persuaded them to do it. It's not their fault" Dunk didn't back down from his glare.

"Then you will take them down by yourself. All of you aren't allowed to help him. None of you are allowed to interact with him. Go back to your duty." He left them at that. 

The previous jovial mood gone with Joong's departure. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 2 EPs today since I've been focusing on the other mature series that I'm working on. 

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