EP5: I'm not the only one

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Dunk had a few peaceful days before trouble finds him. He doesn't know why he always gets on the wrong foot with his current sire. He was bored. He didn't dare to talk Phi Jeng, Phi Pok, or Phi Kot again. They were nice to him. Even Phi Pat, Phi Park, Phi Wave and Phi Trin were nice. But he was afraid that he'll get them in trouble again.

But it doesn't change the fact that he was bored. He tried to look for the library. Since Phi Den is a stuffy old vampire, he would surely have a library. Phi Den wasn't like this when he first met him. He used to be so much fun to be with. That was when Phi Zo was still around. He would follow Phi Zo like a Labrador Retriever, which was how he gave the nickname Phi Den to his current sire. He walked into a room that looked like a library. It seems that this was the only room that holds colour in the manor and he loved it. He was enjoying his time reading before he heard the booming voice of his sire.

"Who allowed you to enter this room?!"Dunk could see Joong's fangs as he snarled. His fingers turning claw like as he spoke. The anger so intense that it was palpable. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for impact. He felt him lifting him up by the neck. He was thrown across the room. His back hit the wall before he slides down to the floor. He instantly blacked out.


Joong saw red when he saw Dunk in Zo's private library. It was Zo's sacred space when he wanted time alone. But he had never restricted Joong from entering. He was his mate after all. He had kept the room, despite his passing. No one was allowed into the room, except the cleaner who dusted the books. In his haze of anger, he had reacted. Letting his vampire instinct go. When he come through and saw Dunk slide down the wall like a broken doll, he regretted.

He had carried him back to his room, asking Jeng to call Phi Jimmy. Phi Jimmy had assured him that it isn't that big of an issue. His healing ability should be kicking in and he will be fine physically.

"He should be awake by tomorrow but if he doesn't wake up by the third day, do let me know." Joong nodded as Jeng sent him out. He had breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't know what to tell Pond and Phuwin if he had killed his ward.

But Dunk didn't wake up. It has been 5 days. Phi Jimmy had been away due to emergency. The whole nest was panicking at this point. Kot was glaring at Joong. Kot and Joong had never seen eye to eye but Kot tolerated for Zo. Joong doesn't know what made him stay after Zo's departure.

When Phi Jimmy finally came to check on Dunk, the rest of them were huddling in the room. Anxious for some good news.

"When was the last time he fed?" Phi Jimmy asked. Joong had no idea honestly. He looked towards Jeng and Pok who shrugged.

"What do you mean you don't know? Didn't he ask you for strawberries?" Joong looked towards Pok.

"Yes, that's all he asked for. Whenever I asked if he would like a bag. He rejected. I thought you had it covered since you are his sire." Pok answered. Phi Jimmy tried to calm everyone in the room. He asked everyone to leave so that Dunk may recover in peace. Dunk was on an IV infusion drip since he was unconscious.

"I think it goes without saying that someone needs to monitor if he is being fed. Joong, I know you are grieving but Dunk is your ward. He is your fledgling now. You don't want the clan elders to get news of this." Phi Jimmy patted his shoulder before leaving.

Joong stayed with Dunk that night. He was startled out of his thoughts when he heard Dunk mumbled in his dreams.

"Paaw! Pa! Please don't leave Dunk... don't leave Dunk..." He wipes the tears from Dunk's face. Joong sighed. He had forgotten that he isn't the only one grieving. Dunk had lost his sires and his nest.

Perhaps that's why Pond and Phuwin had left Dunk in his care. He understood the lost.

He hugged Dunk to sleep that night as he comforted him through his nightmares.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Finally Joong, finally....🤭🤭

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