EP7: training begins

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"What had Phi Tay and Phi New taught you before this? Don't tell me you plan to charm everyone you meet." Joong wanted to start Dunk's training.

"What's wrong with using charm?" Dunk had pouted. Joong had chuckled at his response. He can't help but find it cute.

"Charm is useful when you want fresh feed but you can't charm yourself out of a fight. Come, let's test your speed." Joong raced Dunk who followed closely behind him.

Joong's training had been grueling. He even had Dunk read through the book of Dark Arts. It was hard but it took Dunk's mind off his grief. This process had brought them both back to life, it gave them a sense of focus. It had also brought them closer.


Joong doesn't deny that Dunk was a quick study. He began to understand why he may had be Phi Tay and Phi New's favourite fledgling. He was able to absorb every information like a sponge. He clearly remembered how Dunk was able to deflect his attack by pulling up a force field that he had only witness Joong doing it once. Joong was eager to see how far Dunk's potential ran.

Though, Joong regretted the day he taught Dunk the art of illusion. The kid had used it to his full advantage. Joong had caught him stuffing his mouth full of strawberries when he was supposed to be training. He had promptly run away with Joong chasing behind him. It was the first time Dunk outran Joong.

Despite Dunk's cheekiness and inclination towards mischief, he was keen to learn. He would spend daylight, quizzing Joong on things that he was curious about, diving into the ancient language, reading codex well beyond his age. Dunk would usually end up in Joong's bed, curled around a book. He would put it away and hug him to sleep. Joong would smile when Dunk snuggled in with a soft sigh. He would peck Dunk on the forehead out of instinct.


The rest of the household noticed that they were getting closer. There was light in Joong's eyes that had been missing for decades. They were surprised when they first heard Joong laugh. Somehow, Dunk had managed to persuade Joong to take a bite of a strawberry. An aspect that even Zo failed while he was alive. Joong was surprised that he can actually taste it. That it was actually sweet. He wondered why he had never given it a try.


Dunk started to feel funny whenever he was with his new sire. He can't explain it. It was new to him. He moaned the fact that he can no longer ask his Paaw or Pa when he is confused. He only knew that he likes to get a reaction out of Joong- be it making him angry with his mischief, pleasing him when he is studious and most of all, making him smile. His heart did a weird flip. He didn't understand it at all but he tried. Sometimes he tried too hard and forgot to feed. His sire would reprimand him when he collapses since he is still a fledgling. He can't control it like Joong. But he can't help it. Joong dotted on him when collapses. It gave him a warm, fuzzy feeling within him that he didn't think was possible for a vampire. He didn't understand it but it likes it, so he continued with it.


Pond and Phuwin finally had the time to drop by. They were surprised by Joong's appearance. Though vampires were naturally pale, he had finally lost the grey appearance. Phuwin was glad to know that he had finally fed. Pond and Phuwin can't help but think that they finally had the old Joong back. The Joong they knew when Zo was still alive.

Suddenly, Dunk made an appearance. He wai-ed towards Pond and Phuwin before walking over to Joong.

"Nguuang (sleepy), Phi Den." Pond and Phuwin were shocked when Dunk fell into Joong's arms. Joong sighed and shook his head.

"Iik leow (again)." He muttered as he gave Dunk a sniff kiss. He excused himself, telling Pond and Phuwin that he will be back. He carried Dunk back to his room. He puts a blood bag beside his bed, reminding him to feed when he wakes up. He wondered if Phi Tay and Phi New had pampered Dunk this much for him to behave like this or was it him who was pampering Dunk too much. He placed a kiss on his forehead before going back to Pond and Phuwin.

Pond and Phuwin had looked at him funnily when he came back. They knew that Joong had always liked skinship but it had always been reserved for Zo. They can't help but think that there's something going on between the two.

"I'm glad that you are finally over your grief. Dunk is good for you." Pond commented before Phuwin could stop him. It was like a splash of cold water to Joong. He said it as if he had forgotten about Zo.

"Pond didn't mean it that way, Joong." Phuwin hoped there was a way to pull Joong back. It had taken him so long to walk out of it. Joong shook his head, claiming he needed time to think.


It was true, Dunk had made him forget about Zo. He hadn't thought about Zo for the past month.

How could he let go of Zo's memories that easily?

Zo had been his mate. His one and only true love. His heart clenched. He felt that he betrayed Zo.

He did the only thing that he felt was best.

He avoided Dunk.


Dunk sulked. He didn't know what he did wrongly for Phi Den to be avoiding him like this. He can't deny that he is attracted to Phi Den. They had been close since they cleared the air. Perhaps he had overstayed his welcome.

He sighed.

He contacted Phuwin informing him to let the clan elders know that he was ready to go to the clan house

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊


A/N: It was happy while it lasted, Joong, Joong...😔😔 I think I'll most likely be updating this 1 tomorrow before going back to ties that bind us.

**Yes, not a conventional vampire series. I got 😵‍💫😵‍💫looking into vampire powers n skills.. everyone had their own version... so I'm going with mine🤣🤣 though very unconventional🤣🤣

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