EP10: I'm coming for you

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Joong had been pacing at the infirmary, willing the both of them to wake up. When Phuwin finally came to, Phi Jimmy had glared at Joong. He tried his best to be patient, allowing Phi Jimmy to give Phuwin a once over. It was nothing too serious, his healing ability was already doing its work.

Phuwin was finally able to update Joong on what has been going on. Joong had not been updated on the goings within the clan since his grief.

The attack on Zo was one of the many first. There were many attacks on various nests within the clan. There were many casualties but none as devastating as the Vihokratana nest. The entire nest was wiped out. They were all leading away from Dunk, which made Pond and Phuwin think that they were trying to protect Dunk.

They had wanted Dunk to move to the clan house at first but Dunk insisted on staying at the Aydin nest. Joong's brow furrowed at this revelation but now wasn't the time to ponder on this. They don't know why they specifically targeted Zo and Dunk. They were still searching on the matter.

When Dunk called to say he was ready to move to the clan house, Pond and Phuwin were confused but it was safer since the clan house defense system was more equipped. The attackers came out of nowhere. They were fast. Pond and Phuwin were seasoned fighters within the clan. They were family elders with a nest of their own after all. But they were no match for them. Dunk had cast a force field protecting them from their death. When the attackers were about to break the barrier, he cast an illusion spell leading them away from Pond and Phuwin, sacrificing himself in the process.

They still have no idea who they were or how to track them but they know for sure that it had to be someone within the clan. They couldn't fathom how they would know of their route if there wasn't. But now was not the time to speculate. The issue at hand was finding Dunk. They had no lead and nothing to go on.

Phuwin clasped Joong's shoulder. He apologized for failing Dunk. Joong shook his head.

"It's not your fault. When Dunk makes a decision, no one can change his mind. He is that stubborn." He laughed. The tears betraying what he truly feels. He had lost Zo. He is about to lose Dunk due to his foolish action. He stuffed his hands into his pocket, feeling the need to just grab something to stop the emotions from overwhelming him. He felt an object in the depths of his pocket. He to it out and realized it was a red stone. Memory flashed through his mind.

"It's a garnet. To protect you from harm when ever you travel out of the nest. It has my blood on it. If you are in trouble, all you need to do is reach out for it, I'll know. I'll be there." He had laughed at Dunk's action. What could a fledgling do? But he had thanked him for it. It was the thought that counts after all.

"If we have Dunk's blood, can we do a location spell?" Phuwin nodded earnestly .

I'm coming. Wait for me, my sunshine.     


Dunk was hanging off the wall. The silver cuffs keeping him in place. His wrist red from irritation. He heard footsteps coming towards him. He felt a needle underneath his skin as they injected something into him. It was as if he was being lit up by fire from within. It burned. Dunk couldn't stop screaming as he felt that entire body on fire.


They had injected silver into him. 

"I should have killed you on sight. But what fun would that be? This is it for now. We don't want the party to end too early, do we? We still have to wait for our guest to arrive. How long do you think it'll take for your new sire to arrive?" Poom smirked. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I only remember Nita's stalker as Poom but he goes by a different name right? 😅😅well,  he is Poom here.  

so...silver doesn't kill a vampire in this series, it only irritates them, messes with their system. Hopefully Joong  and the rest will be able to save Dunk in time. 

alrighty we'll be going back to The Ties that Bind tomorrow. Will be back to this on Wed. 🤭🤭Ja yen yen na kha 

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