EP6: healing together

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When Dunk regains consciousness, he was surprised to feel weight on him. He was more surprise to find Joong hugging him. He didn't know what to do. He didn't dare to wake him up. He had been at the receiving end of his wrath for more than he can count. Dunk realized that his sire looks younger and more at peace when he sleeps. He could see what attracted Phi Zo to him. Phi Den was really quite good looking if he doesn't frown. He does have quite a distinct feature that would have many women and men falling for him.

"Have you stared enough?" Dunk was embarrassed to be called out like that.

"Bpao (nuh)... I didn't want to make you angry again but I'm stuck." Joong untangled himself and run a hand through his hair.

"How do you feel?" Joong asked.

"Good." Dunk whispered.

"Why didn't you feed?" Joong stared at him intensely.

"Phi Jeng said you haven't fed for more than a decade, so why can't I?" Joong was shocked by his statement but he can't deny it. Dunk was following his footsteps in grief.

"It's not healthy. What would your Paaw and Pa say?" Dunk teared at the mention of them. Joong hugged him and stroke his hair in comfort. Dunk started bawling. This was the first time Dunk had truly grieved for his sires. He had hidden his sorrow behind his cheerful disposition. Joong was familiar with it. Zo had been the same. He didn't want to make others uncomfortable. He didn't want others to be worried about him, so he kept everything within him. Dunk was exactly the same. It's time Joong takes on his duty as Dunk's sire.  

"Mei mi lai (it's okay), Dunk. Phi Den is here. I'll take care of you." It's time to pick himself up. Perhaps Dunk was a gift from Zo- a will to keep living.


Jeng noticed a difference in his cousin. He was surprised when he asked him to bring him a blood bag. He rushed off without question. He was glad that his cousin was finally turning around. Dunk had to be the reason. He liked Dunk. His sunny disposition was a breath of fresh air in the oppressive atmosphere in the nest. Nothing had been the same since Zo's passing. It had come as a shock to all. His cousin took it the hardest. He blamed himself just like the rest of them. He didn't know how the attackers got to him. Up till this day, Kot had been searching. The will to avenge his best friend had kept him going. It was only when Dunk showed up that things started to light up. He was so alike Zo. A little too much if you ask Jeng. Jeng wondered if it was because of this that his cousin had issues interacting with Dunk. Only time will tell. Hopefully he will be the one to lead his cousin out of darkness. 

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A/N: just a writer's rant, sometimes it's confusing when writing vampire fic.. when I wrote: lead his cousin out of darkness... n the logically brain goes: aren't they creatures of the night? n the imaginative mind goes: quiet!! anything goes in fiction🤣🤣🤣 yes, this is not your typical vampire series so not all characteristics will follow. Whatever the imaginative mind says goes😅😅😅

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