EP12: The rescue Pt2

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Poom was shocked to see Joong's stake embedded in his chest. His lifeless body fell to the ground. Dunk's shackles were broken. Joong and the rest rushed over to him.

"I told you we couldn't trust a leech." Luke muttered as he entered the hall with a group of vampire slayers. They aimed their guns towards them and started shooting. Joong, Phuwin and the rest closed their eyes, awaiting their death. Moments had passed but they felt nothing. When they finally opened their eyes, they were astonished to see the bullets scattered around them. None of them were hurt.

"Are you from Van Helsing's clan? We had an agreement. He had sworn a blood oath." Joong realized that Dunk's voice sounded different. It was an octave lower than usual. Almost like Zo but yet not totally. He sounded a lot older than before.

"That senile and his clan is but a history of the past. Why would he swear a blood oath with a leech. He must have gone crazy in his old age and for his bloodline to follow the same is insane" Luke said with contempt.

"There had been too much bloodshed. We agreed to stop. We have kept to ourselves. We have not killed your kind in centuries. Why do you persist?" Dunk's speech was well beyond his character. Joong was getting more confused by the minute, as he wondered how Dunk knew this.

"There is no place for creatures like you" Luke sneered

"Time to say good-bye." Luke waved as his group threw a few Molotov cocktail filled with holy oil towards them. Dunk had a force field up, shielding the group from the attack.

"Your magic won't last. We have made some improvement like your little friend." The fire was roaring against the shield. Joong could feel the heat. Phuwin wondered about the fate of Pond and the rest. It was as if Luke had heard his question.

"Your friends on the first floor? They are all gone. But don't worry, you'll be meeting them soon." Luke smirked. Phuwin slammed his fist on the shield. Joong went over to console him as he cried in anguish.

Dunk smiled. "I won't be so sure if I were you." With a snap of his fingers, Pond and his warrior elders were with them within the force field. Pond was shocked as he clearly remembered being gun down by the slayers. Phuwin hurried over to hug him.

With another snap of his fingers, the fire was out.

"And they say the vampire's bloodlust is the worst. You mortals are no better than us." Joong wasn't able to stop Dunk from walking out of the shield.

"F*ck. Should have known not to trust that leech. It seems that you have awoken, my dear Blood Prince." Dunk's iris glowed with an eerie red.     

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: if silver doesn't kill them what bullets were the vampire slayers using? bullets soaked in holy water/ filled with holy water. Which is why Dunk (the blood prince) is able to revive them. If Pond and rest were decapitated 😅😅 That would be it. There are limitation to reviving the undead.

why were they so unprepared for the vampire slayers attack? as Dunk mentioned they haven't fought a slayer in centuries. they mostly only handled internal fights within/ between clans. 

I had another moment with the logical brain when writing this... n the conversation went something like this:

LB(logical brain): you are telling me Van Helsing, THE vampire slayer will cut a deal with a vampire? a blood prince at that? a blood oath? 

IM(imaginative mind): yea, imagine this... 

        Dunk: truce🥹🥹?

        Van Helsing: erm... ok

        Dunk: Phi, kon jai dee (you are a kind person)😄😄

LB: ....

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