"Let's have some fun, beautiful," Jacob winked at Gwen, and in that moment, the battle erupted in full force.

In a sudden burst of magic, Avery cast a powerful spell that pushed back some of the shape shifters, buying us a moment to catch our breath. "Red!" Xavier's urgent voice pierced through the commotion. "He's after my mom. Please, you have to save her!" he pleaded, his eyes filled with desperation as we dodged an attack from one of the creatures.

Uncle J joined the fight, firing his weapon at the oncoming enemies. Some of the shape shifters were injured, but others managed to survive. Just when things seemed dire, Ana unleashed her hidden powers. It was the first time I had witnessed her using her abilities, and I was amazed as she recited an incantation. Suddenly, two of the shape shifters turned on each other, tearing at each other's flesh until they lay lifeless on the ground.

" You welcome love," Ana blew me a kiss before rushing over to Dean, who was struggling to bring Nicholas down from the ceiling. I continued to fend off the remaining creatures, weaving spells to protect myself. That's when I saw Gwen, charging towards me with a look of pure rage on her hideous face.

" I am going to kill you!" She roared, her claws slashing through the air, aiming to strike me down.

But I was ready. " Not this Time," With a confident smirk, I conjured a spell and vanished from her sight, reappearing in another part of the training room which left Gwen lunging at thin air.

"You bit-" Gwen's monstrous body crashed to the ground, her form disintegrating into a pile of mangled limbs. "That's for trying to kill my niece," Uncle J grinned, aiming the gun at the place he shot, "We've got this. Find the Dark Lord and make your parents proud, because I already am."

Gratitude swelled within me, but before I could voice my thanks, Uncle J's attention shifted to a new group of shape-shifters entering the room. "Shit, I have to stop this," I muttered, feeling frustrated by all this. I decide to escape, leaving behind my newfound family and Nicholas's warriors in the hands of the shape-shifters.

As I prepared to leave the entrance, Avery suddenly appeared before me, her clothes stained with blood. "Avery..." I gasped, concerned about her injuries. " There's no time," she interrupted me, handing me a small wrapped cloth and instructed me to pour its contents on the ground, just like she had done in the library. "You'll find him," she said, bidding me farewell before vanishing from sight. I could hear her shouting in the distance, likely engaged in battle with another shapeshifter.

Without hesitation, I followed Avery's instructions and poured the contents of the cloth onto the ground. To my surprise, a swirling cloud of black dust formed, spinning like a miniature tornado. Within seconds, the dust transformed into a magnificent black bird, its feathers made entirely of the dark particles.

The bird let out a caw, as if beckoning me to follow, before taking flight in a specific direction. I wasted no time and followed its path, my footsteps echoing behind it. The bird led me to the outside cafeteria, where it suddenly dissolved into the ground, returning to its original form of black dust.

Curiosity piqued, I approached the spot where the bird had disappeared. As I peered closer, I noticed an eerie glow emanating from the ground. It was as if the dark dust had merged with the earth itself, forming an arrow sign leading to where the Dark Lord whereabouts.

"Let me go, you monster!" Xavier's mom's voice echoed through the air, filled with desperation and defiance. I knew I had to intervene.

I swung open the door and witnessed two wolf-like creatures, lycans as Uncle J would call them, dragging her into the depths of the forest. The Dark Lord stood beside her, a sinister presence.

"Hey!" I shouted, capturing everyone's attention. "The lady said to let her go." I walked toward them, my gaze fixed upon the Dark Lord. His expression twisted in displeasure, clearly annoyed by my presence. He stared at the two creatures, and suddenly, his golden eyes began to glow. In an instant, they released Xavier's mom and lunged toward me, driven by the Dark Lord's command.

"I've had enough," I whispered defiantly. Reacting swiftly, I evaded one creature's clawed attack with a nimble flip. As the other charged at me, I murmured an incantation under my breath. Opening my eyes, I snapped my fingers, summoning flames that engulfed the two creatures. They burned before me, reduced to nothing but ashes.

My concentration was interrupted by a sudden clap, drawing my gaze to the Dark Lord. He clapped his hands mockingly, encircling Xavier's mom with his gaze fixed on me. "Impressive," he sneered, his voice deepening. His fangs protruded menacingly as he prepared to sink them into her, seeking to gain more power.

"Not this time!" I declared, channeling fire through my palms and launching it towards him. Startled, he released his grip on Xavier's mom and vanished into thin air. "Behind you," a voice whispered in my ear, but before I could react, I was brutally scratched and thrown against the building wall.

"Urghh," I groaned, tasting the metallic tang of blood on my lips, clouding my senses. "I can't believe they didn't train you," he taunted, approaching me. I gazed at the moon, still partially hidden behind the lingering clouds.

Almost there.

"It's pitiful, you know," he mused, forcefully gripping my chin. The pain surged through me. "But I will savor witnessing your demise." He leaned closer, his words laced with cruelty.

"Ahh!" He yanked my hair, his sharp claws grazing my neck, threatening to tear it apart. "So, any last words?" he grinned, his claws digging into my skin.

I focused my gaze on the moon and realized the clouds had dispersed, its radiant reflection shining upon the Dark Lord, casting his shadow upon the ground. Finally.

"Only one," I replied, smirking. He raised an eyebrow, perplexed by my sudden change in demeanor. "Which is..." I paused, building suspense.


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