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~Chapter 9~

A phoenix roared in the distance above the sycamore forest before the words were said, and two enormous, multicolored phoenixes soared toward the largest ancestral sycamore tree in the island. 

It seems that Master sent an elder to see if she has returned to the nest obediently. It would be best to postpone talking about both right and wrong in front of Lord Bodhi until tomorrow after Nirvana. When Feng Yin noticed the elder was getting closer, she thought to herself secretly that she didn't have time to worry about the three people who were waiting for her answer behind the rockery. Instead, she transformed into a red light line and flew in the direction of the sycamore tree.  

No one saw Feng Yin's disappearance in the dim moonlight. After waiting for a bit, the rockery provided them with a brief moment of silence. After giving Ling Juan a dubious look, Bi Yun winked at him. Ling Juan moved closer to have a look, but as he did, he saw that nobody was hiding behind the rockery. The arrogant female immortal had vanished moments ago. 

They exchanged long, meaningful looks with one another. Between this person's arrival and departure, there was not the slightest indication of a shift in magical power. Princess Hua Shu, whose magical power is nearly equivalent to a lord, is the only person who could be the young female immortal on the island. 

They had no idea that Feng Yin was merely a ray of soul floating over Wutong Island, coming and going without a trace. 

Ling Juan sighed, feeling bad in his heart for being unlucky today. He walked quickly with Bi Yun out of the forest, leaving Gu Jin, who was standing aside, no more thought. 

Just now, the Wutong Forest, which was filled with arguments, was silent. Gu Jin moved behind the rockery and peered for a considerable amount of time before becoming concerned. It could have been someone else, as she refused to acknowledge she was Hua Shu. How come she vanished out of nowhere? Did something happen? Without a word, Gu Jin flew to the rocks on the rockery, held his chin, and settled in to wait in silence. 

He would not leave the rock that Feng Yin was leaning against, convinced that if he waited just a bit longer, she would eventually show up. 

Had he been wiser and gotten up to question Feng Yin right away, he would have realized that the arrogant female immortal he was about to confront was the same divine beast he had been longing for. 

It's unfortunate that people's terrible stubbornness always comes from their youth. Gu Jin became a fool and embraced his fat body in the ancient sycamore tree, watching his wife turn into a stone, believing it to be fate. 

"Your Highness, Immortal Lord Ling Juan is so unbridled that he actually dare to bury two True Gods behind their back. Which sect do you think the female immortal who was hiding just now comes from?" 

In the pavilion not far from the rockery, Xian'E, who was wearing a light yellow dress, poured a cup of wine for the female immortal who was sitting there. "But although that person has a bad tone, she only dares to use Your Highness's reputation to bluff people. It's really a bit... she's so petty!"  

"Whether it's really a bluff or a disdain answer, I can't tell right now. I don't sound like a charlatan. Such an arrogant nature, she must be a newbie from some sect. We can certainly see it at tomorrow's dinner." 

Reaching out, a bare hand grabbed the white jade cup from the stone table and took a sip. The thin fingers holding it, the white fat accumulating in the gently circling hot air. 

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