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The snow crunches under our feet. We've got civilians in our ranks, along with Jackal merchants. I could see other Rangers splitting off into the snow dunes. Cleaver started to slow down into a jog. We fully halted in front of outlook. The uniformed soldiers met us with curiosity.

"We've gotten word that you all have a female under custody because of her past occupation?" one of the Jackals asked the soldiers.

This sparked a conversation, which turned into an argument.

I itched to throw the flashbang I was issued. I pulled the black canister out of it's pouch. I wrapped my finger into the pin and yanked outwards. I hauled it past them, causing their heads to turn. We turned the opposite direction, and that's when the flash went off. We whipped around, ears ringing, and raised our weapons. Crimson red blood flew throughout the air as soon as we started firing. The Rangers in the dunes began to charge forwards.

Most of them hadn't made it to the gates, the USCPF soldiers gunned them down. Civilians were bashing the soldiers with anything they could. Jackals had moved in, wielding much more advanced gear. We filled in behind them.

We moved as one group towards the actual facility. The outside was clear, the inside was unpredictable. Three USCPF soldiers had fired at us from the right upon our entry. They took out four guys, none dead. We turned our guns to them and fired.

They slumped against the walls, allowing us to continue moving. Saber squad rushed upstairs to confront any USCPF soldier that was waiting to flank us. The majority had retreated downstairs to the barracks and jail room.

Gunshots were crackling all over the fort. Bugbait was dragging out an injured Ranger from downstairs. I rushed past him. I raised my M4A1 upon descending to the bottom floor which was a cluster of Rangers and Jackals. There was an open hallway beside our wall of cover. A Ranger near the hallway was using a broken off car mirror to peer around the corner.

He pointed out places in the mirror while communicating to the Pathfinder beside him. The Pathfinder fired off a few shots around the wall. Bullets smack around the wall. The Pathfinder flopped out into the hallway soaked in his blood. A gun barrel pointed around at us and fired. Francis took a hold of the barrel and pried towards him, tearing the gun away from the man's grip. He then shot him point blank before running into the hallway. We followed the giant war machine we knew as Francis.

The first thing I saw and felt were muzzle flashes and heat. I took a hard right juke into the room closest to me. Upon entering I got a warm welcome when guns got raised at me. I raised my M4A1 and took two out. Rangers filled into the room and fired at the other five. An explosion went off in the hallway. Limbless bodies flew past.

I ran out into the hallway, firing forwards. Cleaver followed along. We breached the next room. We gunned down three soldiers. They slumped back, lifeless.

"Fall back!" A voice shouted. It was one of us.

"Alright guys, fall back as fast as possible!" I shouted.

We readied ourselves by the door. We ran full speed down the hallway towards the exit. I felt something fall against me. Looking back, it was Rat. He was dead. Bullets tore through his skin and hit me. I flew forwards, feeling the burning sensation. I hit the ground.

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