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We arrived at Outlook where there were ten crosses laid out in the sand. We forced the high ranks onto crosses, taking up four of them. We took large nails and drove them through their wrists and feet. We then wrapped barbed wire around them and the crosses. It was a bloody sight to see, they were literally covered in blood.

We hoisted the crosses up, propping them in place. The sharks dropped downwards but were caught by the nails in a sudden jolt. Skin was torn as the nails took the weight of their bodies. They screamed for mercy, our mercy. They were begging for us to stop what we were doing. Each one was breathing heavily, choking and sputtering on their own blood. Malu, Francis, and Dmitri just watched them with wide smirks on their faces. The Rangers around them were cheering and cussing the sharks out. I stood silently, watching the sharks struggle. The USCPF were already on the gates as if they were expecting us. They watched in satisfaction, being fond of the shark genocide.

One of the sharks looked at me, sobbing. "Have mercy on me~!" He cried out. I glanced towards my higher ups and then back at him. I couldn't take it anymore. I unholstered my M9 and shot the shark in the head. I then aimed to the side and shot another in the head. The Rangers whipped around, staring at me. I shot the third shark in the nose, before aiming to the last. I shot him in the forehead.

The Rangers were silent now, their eyes beaming at me. Dmitri pushed past the crowd and walked in my direction. I started to back up as he walked forwards. I told him to stay back, he shook his head. I raised my gun at him, which failed to stop his advance. He clasped my shoulders tightly and locked his eyesight on mine. I dropped the M9 as he did so, my lips quivering.

"Dmitri.." I said. "They're people too.."

"No, Vick." He began. "They're monsters, they've done much worse than this. And they laugh at the pain of others. They were the ones that shot our mother."

"But, Dmitri~!" I sputtered. "There's one word to describe this, brutality!"

"And there's only one word to describe them.." He leaned in. "Evil."

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