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I couldn't believe my eyes, I actually saw him! Alexander Greyhound, running laps around the city! Word got around that he was caught getting down with his girlfriend, and that Francis kicked his door down and forced him to do laps. The funnier thing is that Francis received a promotion to veteran Ranger because of that.

Francis just stood at the gates awaiting his arrival. He was pissed, you could see it in his expression. I felt as if he'd rip my limbs off if I nudged him. It seems that both Malu and Francis are brutal. They both feed off the fear of their enemies and both of them want more and more of them dead.

Francis uses a scary ass gun, a Reiner-7 which is an LMG. It's modified to load RAUFOSS MK211 SAPHEI rounds which are semi armor piercing highly explosive incendiary rounds. Malu uses a Falcata which has names carved in the sides of it, belonging to people he's killed. Dmitri has already been promoted to Veteran Ranger, his choice of a weapon is the AK47.

In a while, Greyhound returns to the gates to a pissed off Francis. "If I ever see you doing that again, you're going to be running six laps. We are a fighting force, take your uniform off when you're about to do that. Stay the fuck away from your girl as well, and don't talk back. I don't like mutts that bark back, understood Greyhound?"

He responded with a nod, and a salute.

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