"Chiefs." Dmitri's Entry

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It was cold hearted of what I did to Core, but Francis and I both knew what had to be done. It was night time and we were in Crane town. The whispers of glory echoed in my ears while we stood in a great tension.

"Kill Core, kill Core, kill Core..."

These whispers repeated in my ears like broken track records. Core walked out from the bar and headed behind Crane town and out to the rubble and ruins. Francis patted my back, signaling it was my time. I took a deep breath and followed Core. His back was turned to me, he was enjoying the silence. He was going to become familiar with that silence for a long time. He spoke with a quiver in his voice, "Get it done Dmitri... Do what you've come to do."

I was horrified, what did he have up his sleeve? How did he know what I was about to do, and if so who else knew? I unsheathed my combat knife. Chief spoke again, "You will be given a burden, Dmitri. It's just as our code goes, Chiefs are dogs to sacrifice when the wages of war have concluded. And Dmitri, my war is over. This is your war."

This sent chills down my spine, what he told me. Even as I write this I get goosebumps. I stepped up behind Core, readying the knife.

"Chiefs are dogs to sacrifice when the wages of war have concluded..." Core began. "Dmitri, you will start a reign of blood and guts. You will not die fighting..."

"Oh yeah? What will I die doing?"

"Begging for the mercy of your brother."

I placed the blade to his neck, and sliced across his adams apple. Core jerked back before falling onto his knees. He fell onto his side, motionless. Chiefs... are dogs to sacrifice... when war is waged...

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