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I couldn't stand there anymore, I couldn't. I ran after Malu and the shark. I skid by the table where the Jackals were. I pulled an M1 Thompson off the table along with fresh clips for it. I sling it over my shoulder. I picked up a G18 and loaded a fresh clip in. I cocked it back and flipped it off safety. I saw her as if she were waiting, she spun on her heels and bolted around the corner. I followed foot with my eyes darting side to side. I turned to the alleyway she ran into, a fence in front of me. I saw her running down the alley so I leaped onto the fence. I climbed halfway up the fence but she turned the corner and sprinted off. I hopped down, still in the streets, and I ran around the building just in time to see her heading north.

I took a hard left into the mall and I cut through the first floor. I ran through a clothes shop and threw stands out of my way. I leaped feet first through a window shattering it. I land with a stumble and I catch myself inna full speed sprint. I was nearing a basketball court surrounded by a chain fence. I leaped up and rolled over the top of it, landing in the basketball court. There was a massive skate ramp and a wall which led to a scrap house. I ran to the ramp and hopped on. I scaled the slope far enough to dive and catch the wall, holstering my pistol in order to use both hands. I climbed over it and hopped down onto my feet. Four sharks sat around a table playing cards. They turned their heads towards me.


We all fumbled for our guns. I unsling my M1 Thompson, it already being off safety. I aimed and pulled the trigger. The gun let out a simultaneous barrage of cracks as bullets were sprayed into the sharks. The table was torn to splinters, same with the chairs. The sharks jerked back and squirmed in blood. I sprint into the house, reloading the Thompson. I broke through the front door, seeing this girl. She watched me with a huge smile on her face.

I took a deep breath while shaking my head. This time I ran first, at her. She laughed and spun on her heels. She sprinted off in the direction Masterson factory sat. She led me on a chase through the coal yard. A patrol of sharks ran out into the open. Several rangers popped out from under the coal and aimed their guns at the sharks. Guns started to blaze off as bullets were exchanged. The girl took a hard right, causing me to do the same but unexpectedly. I nearly fell over when I stepped on a chunk of coal and surfed it across the ground. I regained my run and set off in the girl's direction.

She vaulted over a concrete fence. I let the Thompson hang around my neck when I leaped up to grab the ledge. I hauled myself up and over it. I planted my feet on the ground, whipping in a circle and running where I expected she'd go. A voice rang out behind me.

"Hey dumb dumb! You passed me!" The girl called out with a giggle.

I turned to her, she was standing in one of the hangars. I unclipped my Thompson and raised it to her. I trained my crosshairs on her nose while I approached her. Hands up, I stated. She giggled in response yet did nothing. She seemed to quickly retreat inside. I ran after her and stopped when I saw her leaning on a cargo crate. She was inside.

"If you want me, better come get me!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

I approached the container with my Thompson aimed to her. I felt something thin press against my foot as I stepped forwards into the container. I immediately knew I walked into something. I heard a snap and then wheels turning. The doors behind me slammed shut. The hell, I thought. This was one hell of a chase...

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