"What about me?" Percy said, entering the room with the now-invisible head.

Annabeth clenched her jaw. "Apparently, Sen has strange views on morality."

"Not morality," Sen told her. "I'm speaking a simple truth. You like truth, right? So, I'm telling it. Medusa wasn't all the way bad, and she wasn't all the way good." Sen stared where Percy was holding the head. "In her mind, killing us was how she was going to protect Percy. You have to see her side of things."

Annabeth elected to ignore this. "Let's go get Grover." She shoved past Percy and Sen, marching downstairs.

Percy stared at Sen. "I guess she doesn't want to see both sides."

"She's twelve," Sen said. "Most twelve-year-olds don't like to see both sides." She held up Medusa's hat. "She says it's wrong of me to keep this as a souvenir."

"I don't think it is," Percy said. "You won't wear it or parade it around. You'll store it with your other antique things. It's very... Sen of you." He hefted the head up. "Let's go downstairs."

Sen and Percy went downstairs, searching around until they saw Grover and Annabeth standing in front of the statue of a satyr. Right away, Sen's heart melted as she saw how sad Grover was as he stared at it.

"What is it?" Percy asked.

Grover's voice was quiet. "Uncle Ferdinand."

"Oh, no," Percy said after setting the head down. "Grover, I'm so sorry."

Grover gestured to the statue. "This is as far as he got on his quest. We aren't even to Trenton. But, look at him." His eyes welled with tears. "He's not like the others. He- He doesn't look afraid."

Sen stared at the statue, realizing Grover was right. Uncle Ferdinand didn't look afraid. His face looked calm, like he knew what was happening, and he maybe didn't mind it so much. He wasn't contorted in a horrifying frame of fear. He looked... satisfied.

She took Grover's hand. The satyr cleared his throat and swiped his tears away. "You used the um- You used the head to get rid of Alecto?"

Percy nodded softly. "Yeah."

"Good. That was the right move." He squeezed Sen's hand once and she let him go. "We should probably get going. It'll be dark soon."

Percy gestured to the desk, where he'd set Medusa. "What are we gonna do with the head? I just took down a Fury with it, and I wasn't even trying."

Sen blushed at the memory. What the hell-

"We can't just leave it for someone to find."

Sen sighed. "I mean... I can dig a nice hole."

Percy nodded. "We leave the hat on, and bury it in the basement. That oughta keep it safe."

Sen hesitated. "Well..."

Annabeth frowned and looked away, almost like she was trying to keep herself sane. "Sure. Now, can we talk about the bigger issue here?"

Sen didn't like her tone.

Percy frowned. "What bigger issue?"

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