Operation Lightspeed

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The sun was setting on the sand dunes and footprints were made in the sand. Birds were heard over head and a group of men were on the search for something. "Haba, wait. I don't believe it. Tell me I'm not seeing a mirage." said one of the men.

"How about we go over there and see if we can..." said Haba and pulls the reins of the camel behind him. "Come, Dolores. There may be treasures."

They continued crossing the sand, towards the temple. "These ruins look thousands of years old." said one man.

"Do you see any water?" Haba asked as two of them looked down a well.

"Careful. If you fall, we may never see you again."

The leader of the group decided to take a rest, taking a sip of water from his canteen when he suddenly moved something. The others looked to see what was happening and a piece of the ruin was sliding back, causing a hole to open up in the ground. "Taru!" shouted Haba as he and his friend raced over to help.

Both men looked down into the hole that appeared, calling out for their friend. "Taru!" shouted Haba. Taru was under the sand as the light from the hole shone through to where he was standing. "Taru, are you all right?" he asked as Taru looks around and sees that he's in a crypt.

"Haba! I found the Ancient Tomb! Light up the torches, my friend!" Taru shouted. Once the torches were lit, Taru lit the tomb around him so that he and the others can see. "Come down. Come down quick." he said to the others as they came down the rope.

"Be careful."

"OOH! Get away."

Haba looks around at the tomb with wide eyes and walks over to a casket. He touches a necklace that's on the casket, laughing as he picks it up. "Look, there." someone said, causing the others to look in their direction. Haba sets down the torch he was holding and goes over to the other casket, knocking over the skeleton to get a better look.

Suddenly a knob on the casket moves on its own, scaring Haba and the others. The ancient tomb around them starts shaking. "We've got to get out of here." said Taru.

"Let's open it." said Haba.

"Wait! what if it...." said Taru.

"Help us or get out of our way!" ordered Haba and Taru listened. "Push! Push harder! Harder!"

They pushed the top of the casket off, unknowing releasing spirits that were trapped inside. An explosion happened, knocking them back into the wall as the spirits filled the room and flew out of the Ancient Tomb.

As the spirits flew over the city, people were minding their business until they started screaming when they noticed. Somewhere, a young woman was heading towards the boardroom to speak with her father. "These should be sufficient, but I'd like them double-checked." he said as his daughter walks up to him.

"Captain." she said as she approached him. "Something's come up." He looks up at her and she nodded.

"We'll finish this later." he said, dismissing everyone from the room.

"Father, they've escaped." she tells him.

"You're sure?" he asked as he goes over to the safe and takes out a case, before looking at his daughter. "It's time to bring them in."

Out in the runway, a plane up in the air was taking a nosedive with smoke trailing after it as the pilot was smiling at his fans. "Ladies and Gentlemen let's hear it for Joel Rawlings, the sky cowboy!" said the announcer.

Once he was on the ground, Joel was signing girls his autograph. "There you go." said Joel, clicking to one of the girls in front of him. "Who's next?"

"Next up will be Chico Page, followed by the Doug and Paul pipercub wing riders." said the announcer in the distance as two men in suits walk up to Joel.

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue: Lightspeed Purple RangerWhere stories live. Discover now