"I don't get it." He took a seat beside me scoffing at my feet up on his coffee table. "Surprised they even made it to the table."

"Don't come for my height asshole!" I couldn't help but laugh with him despite my thoughts.

We talked some more, him trying to pry about my whereabouts for the last couple days and me trying to tell stories without mentioning the man I'd been spending most of my time with.

Ted, or Tom, I could never rememner his name, walked in and cleared his throat. Ant looked to him before looking back at me to send me a smile. "I'll be right back." I nodded and continued eating, picking the green grapes from the red ones because they were my favorite.

When all was left in plate was red grapes, I frowned pushing the bowl away only to realize Antony never returned. A glance at my watch told me he had been gone for about five minutes and I finally decided to get up and go looking for him. What's with these men and leaving me waiting.

My body tensed the minute I stepped outside and I saw the frame of the man I could pick out in any crowd. Seeing Niccolò had my steps quickening and I wasn't shocked to hear the harsh tone coming from both men.

Elias was the first to see me and I sent him a small smile when he tipped his head in greeting.

My eyes locked with Niccolò's and his blatant anger was evident. "Let's go."

Antony cut in before I could reply, "maybe it's time you get the hell off my property and watch how you talk to my wife." Niccolò's jaw tensed but his eyes didn't stray from mine. I couldn't help the incredulous look I sent to Antony at his sudden declaration. His what?

Niccolò took a step forward to grab my hand but Antony stepped in front of me immediately, blocking the man from being able to have contact with me. "Put your hands on her and I put a bullet through your skull мудила ёбанный ." [Motherfucker]

The words sent off a domnio effect because I catch when Elias' hand reaches behind him and suddenly Tom and the rest of the men around Antony draw for their guns.

"Elias." The one word from Niccolò halts Elias and after a short pause he drops his hands from the weapon. My heart is in my throat and I can't help my confused gaze at the fact that Niccolò seemed strangely unbothered. How was the man not fearing for his life?

Regardless, I'm filled with relief when hands drop from their weapons though the air is still stiff with tension. Niccolò's eyes are back on me when he speaks, "now."

Without waiting for my reply, he turned and started walking back to his car, flying the back door open and leaning against it waiting.

I turned to Antony, giving his arm a squeeze to soften the blow my words might give. "I'm gonna take care of this."

His confused expression forced me to reach up and give him a hug so I could speak in his ear, "trust me. I'll call you, okay?"

"Quinn. You know you don't have to go."

"I know." I stepped back, letting him know it was my choice.


I gave him one last smile before turning to head to Niccolò whose eyes were narrowed into slits watching my interaction with Ant.

The minute I climbed into the car, he was in after me slamming the door shut, and Elias was speeding out of the pebbled driveway. The events were still processing, not only the fact that the cat was out the bag as far as who I'd found myself hanging around but I was nervous to find out what the men spoke about before I'd gotten there.

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