Chapter 23: The Woodstick Festival

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Stan Pines is not the guy you would go to if you need advice, legal advice.

But in Y/n's case, she had nowhere else to go. Because who else would understand her situation?

"It was him, Stan," she brushed away tears, but they kept flowing. It felt like a dam had burst, and the emotional flood would take time to subside. "Ford's colleagues, his friend. The smartest inventor I know."

Stan didn't believe it at first. "McGucket? Smart?" He thought the two words didn't belong in the same sentence. He was lounging back on his chair as he fiddled around with the bottleneck in his hands. "Maybe you're hallucinating," he said to which he received a pointed glare in return. "Hey, I'm just saying. An underground society? Gas chambers might be-a leakin'."

"Oh, come on. You don't seriously think that?" Y/n's tone was angry. She couldn't believe Stan would be undermining her feelings.

"Okay, I was joking," he raised both his hands in surrender. "Continue on with your story."

"I guess my point was... he didn't really leave Gravity Falls after the portal test. I don't remember him flaking that day, he showed up. But why didn't I remember anything after the portal test? Why didn't I remember him saying goodbye?"

She looked at Stan who could only give a helpless shrug, and that was the only answer he could give her; he didn't know. Y/n sighed. "Forget it," she tightly closed her eyes after realizing what she said. Too soon.

Stan stared at her expression morphing into something of regret. He cleared his throat, trying to arrange his thoughts, trying to think of an appropriate reply.

"I can't believe the way I treated this guy. I thought he was the local cuckoo clock, a crazy man. I couldn't care less about him," a sob wrecked through her, making her run her hands through her hair in frustration. "Ugh, I'm such an– idiot! Stupid!" She hit her head one time. "Stupid! Why hadn't I seen it before?!" She hit her head two times.

Before she could hit herself for the third, Stan reached over and stopped her hand. "Hey, stop that! Right now!" His tone was gruff, berating. "You shouldn't do that."

"Doesn't matter. I don't get hurt." But she stopped, anyway. Her eyes remained downcast.

Stan sighed. "Look, kid, life's full of surprises, and most of 'em ain't pleasant. McGucket's seen his share of twists and turns, but sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles. We can't change the past, but we can decide what we make of the present. So wipe that gloomy look off your face and let's focus on what's ahead. Dwelling on what's behind won't do you any good."

He stood up, opting to place his large hand on top of her head. "In the meantime, you can clear your head with the twins. I bet they're planning to go out with their friends today. Go on, I'll handle this one."

"You sure?"

"No big deal," Stan waved a dismissive hand, looking smug. "Go, before I change my mind."

Y/n did what he said, deciding to follow his advice. Stan Pines was not the right person to go to for advice, but he was the only one who understands.

They both know who's the right person who could answer her question, and this was the only way they'll get him back. Someday.

"Woah! That cloud looks like a chipmunk!" Mabel pointed towards the cloud that was shaped like the animal, an airplane flying through its mouth.

To which Wendy immediately countered," Barfing an airplane!" Everyone laughed with her.

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