***Shorts #4: Mabel's Guide to Life

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[disclaimer: some episodes of mabel's guide to life could not be found due to technical issues. luckily, soos managed to salvage the important ones. enjoy! -mabel]

Ep 1: Dating (Takes place after "Bros Before Dinos")

Mabel saw Dipper filming his investigations and thought that she wanted to do that as well. To have her own TV show where she talks about her interests and color people intrigued. She got a more modern recorder that Soos found in his attic and let the girl borrow for her show.

All she needed was a cameraman– or rather, a camerawoman.

"Hey, Y/n! Wanna be on my show as my co-host?"

Dipper, having heard of Mabel's offer, immediately objected. "Hey, what gives, she's my co-host."

Mabel scoffed playfully, waving a dismissive hand. "Don't worry, Dips, you'll get your partner back. I just need Y/n to hold the camera for me! No biggie."

Y/n raised a pointer finger. "Uh, actually–"

The other twin ignored the first comment despite the blush in his cheeks. "You can just prop up the camera on a surface. Y/n and I still need to film more episodes."

"I'll help you, Mabel," Y/n said with a smile, overlooking Dipper's glare from beside her. She turned to face him as she shrugged. "I'll help both of you. Just don't clash your schedules with one another."

Dipper hesitantly relented, sighing. "Fine. We're filming the Moth Man tonight, okay?"

She nodded. "Okay."

"Okay!" Mabel clapped her hands. "Come on, Y/n! I need your help with the props!" Before the two could leave the room, she pointed at her brother. "And don't leave, I'm gonna need your help later!"

While Dipper's set was more cheap (but it was cute), Mabel's props were made with more effort and it showed. It was full of glitters, sparkles, gems, jewels, and glue. Tons of glue. Waddles was peacefully sleeping while Mabel placed the various colorful stones on its fat side. She used what looked like icing to spell out "Mabel's Guide To" as some sort of a title screen.

"Alright, we got the photo for the title," Mabel grinned, swiping a sweat on her forehead.

"So what guides are you gonna do?"

"Oh, a lot," Mabel gushed. "Everything life could offer: fitness, foods, sports, make-up, and more!"

And more she did. The two began setting up what Mabel's studio is supposed to look like. Mabel draped a light green cloth like a curtain for her background, while Y/n placed a white sheet on the table. Two of Mabel's favorite stuffed animals sat beside her as her guests as she placed mugs for them. Two light bulbs were placed inside cardboard boxes as her lights.

She sat on the chair while Y/n checked the camera's settings. "So, Soos gave this to you?"

"Yep, specifically for my show. So, are we ready?"

"What episode are we doing again?"

She raised her arms in joy. "Mabel's Guide to Dating!"

"Great! Dating." Y/n tried to match her enthusiasm. "Okay, I'm gonna count down and you're just gonna do your best."

"I always do my best." The camera rolled and Y/n counted down until she gestured for her to begin. "As we all know, I'm a dating expert. In fact, I can't get the boys to leave me alone!" She suddenly stood. "You know what you did, Zack!" She screamed, startling the camerawoman a bit.

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