***Shorts #1: Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained

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#76: That Thing (Takes place after "Bros Before Dinos")

Dipper had decided to start his own paranormal show after finding an old camcorder they had found in the dusty corner of the attic. It has a surprisingly full memory, with no videos in the storage, so that was Dipper's cue to record all of his investigations.

He wanted Y/n to come along with him and include her as some sort of 'co-host' and Y/n was honestly honored, but she preferred to be behind the scenes and hold the camera instead of talking in front of it. lol

So the two started preparing the set to look like one of those TV shows with title screens and props surrounding the host, but the only props they could afford were old cardboard and a sharpie. The main title was "Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained," as Y/n insisted that her name wasn't necessary. Dipper was a little upset, so he made every effort to include her in his videos.

As he sat in the chair, the cardboard was placed on the table behind him. His vest and hat were discarded because he was supposed to be in his pajamas. They had to keep their voices as low as possible because Mabel was already asleep. Y/n positioned the camera to face Dipper, who sat holding a basket of something.

"Are we ready?" He asked.

"Yep. Looking good," Y/n nodded. "Recording in five, four, three, two..." she nodded in his direction and Dipper took the cue to begin his introduction.

"Welcome, to one of the many episodes of Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained," he spoke. "Gravity Falls is a strange town filled with wonder never before seen, and I'm here to take you all to a trip full of unsolved mysteries and weird anomalies. We might encounter dangerous monsters or scary ghosts, but today we're analyzing this specific case for the unexplained. Behold,"

Dipper lifted a chicken strip from the basket that he was holding, but it was no ordinary chicken strip.

"A Möbius Chicken Strip," he named.

Y/n remained behind the camera throughout the episode as she and Dipper discussed the Möbius strip and how the chicken could form this shape. The video consisted of eating crunchy chicken while questioning its existence. Y/n wasn't lying when the chicken tasted infinitely delicious - she loves bad jokes.

It lasted for about 15 minutes until it had to come to an end. Dipper adjusted his seating position and faced the camera again. "Well, that concludes Gravity Falls anomaly #13: The Möbius Chicken Strip," he ate a piece as he smiled. Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at his expression, the camera slightly shaking. "It's infinitely delicious!"

A strange creature screamed as it ran between her and Dipper. It slithered around Y/n's legs, causing her to drop the camcorder, but she caught it at the last second. Dipper dropped the bucket of chicken strips by accident. "Woah, hey!"

A small beast with hairy skin was still screeching around as it circled around her ankles until it pushed her away and she eventually fell to her butt. "What the heck!?" Y/n exclaimed as she watched it scamper away.

The room was a complete mess already but the critter didn't seem to care, retreating to a random corner and eating the twins' pile of candy. It was a miracle that Mabel didn't wake up despite the ruckus going on. "Oh no," Dipper said, burrowing his hands on his brown hair. "It's eating our leftover Summerween candy!"


Screams from Mabel were heard as she finally sat up and got out of her bed. The beast was still munching on candy with the wrappers still on. "Ew, it's like ... a naked little man." Mabel commented. Dipper urged Y/n to keep recording as he was quickly writing on a new blank cardboard.

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