***Shorts #5: Mabel's Guide to Life

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Ep 3: Color (Takes place after "Bros Before Dinos")

"What's your favorite color, Gravity Falls?"

Y/n and Mabel proceeded to ask every person this question. Ranging from common ones to absurd ones- like seriously, what the heck is a Magic Vision poster?

"What about you, Y/n? What's your favorite color?"

"Anything? But I love yellow the most," she answered truthfully. "But really. It changes everyday."

Mabel grinned. "Interesting answer! Just like you, Y/n."

Y/n didn't have time to think whether she should be offended or not because she had already gone to Stan's office. "What's your favorite color, Grunkle Stan?"

He was busy rummaging through suitcases around the room when his great niece asked the question. Y/n almost knew the answer as she had asked the question before, and was again met with the same awkward and boring answer.


"What?!" Mabel sputtered.

"I don't have a favorite color." Stan stood his ground, not sparing her a glance. "I don't even like colors."

Mabel was exasperated, throwing her arms up in hope. "Not even... rainbows?"

"Beats me, I've never seen a rainbow."

"WHAT?!" She screamed so loudly and before Y/n knew it, she was being dragged to the twins' room, stating it was a 'color emergency'. Surprisingly, Grenda and Candy were already there, while Dipper had just come in after the two.

The four sat on Dipper's bed, while Mabel was on the opposite side with the camera pointed at them like an interview. "Alright guys, how can we get Grunkle Stan to see a rainbow? I need ideas, people!"

Y/n sat idly beside Dipper, her hands intertwined in silence. She thought about the process of obtaining rainbows from the sky, or taking Stan to a unicorn's base and getting them to generate rainbows to their hearts' content.

It was until Candy came out with her own ideas that made Y/n shake off her plans. "What if we reflect the rainbow from the falls into Stan's window?"

Dipper and Candy exchanged enthusiastic high-fives while Y/n tilted her head. "But-"

"Yeah!" Grenda bellowed after drinking a whole gallon of expired milk. She carelessly fell off the bed and began sleeping.

Y/n almost helped the poor girl until Candy stretched out a hand. "It's fine, she does this."

The five- excluding Grenda since she still had to recover from the potential food poisoning- began to commence their scheme. After randomly finding a lone body mirror lying in the parlor room of the Shack, Y/n, Candy, and Dipper set up Soos' truck in front of a waterfall. Y/n guided the two carriers to the right angle where the mirror would perfectly reflect the water directly into Stan's office.

Dipper and Candy were wearing sunglasses as looking at the harsh light that the glass would reflect might literally blind someone. So Y/n made sure to let Mabel know that. She must've had a spare pair of glasses for Stan, right?

Sure enough, screams coming from the said man reverberated across the forest. His screams of agony were so resonating deep within the woods making the birds that lay peacefully, fly away at the noise.

The three sprinted back to the Mystery Shack and went straight to Stan's office to see Soos quickly putting the fire out with a fire extinguisher. Stan was limping as Mabel tried to assist him but he only muttered sounds of annoyance.

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