***Shorts #7: Mabel's Scrapbook

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Page 15: Heist Movie (Takes place after "Sacrifices for Your Sibling")

"Twelve bucks a ticket?" Stan questioned as he handed everyone the tickets. "Pony Heist better be the best movie ever made!"

Pony Heist had been the talk of the town. The town being the entire Mystery Shack with Mabel as the only population. She had been wanting to go see this movie, and what better way to enjoy it than watching it with her family?

"I wrote a list of hilarious jokes to yell out during the movie. Pony Heist? More like BALONEY Heist! Right?"

Y/n couldn't help but snort at that. If she ever had a weakness, it was bad jokes. She had a fondness for them. Dipper looked to his right and hid his smile upon hearing her chortle.

Mabel grinned. "See? Y/n gets me!"

"That's because she likes bad jokes," Stan deadpanned as if it was obvious, making Y/n pout.

"Hey, don't ridicule my humor, old man." Y/n crossed her arms. "What are we waiting for? The movie's about to begin!"

So Y/n, Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Stan entered the cinema, chanting "Movies! Movies! Movies!"

An unsuspecting candy fell out of Mabel's sweater and Thompson managed to notice it and picked it up. "Hey, you stop! There is no outside food or drink allowed in the theater!"

The five of them frowned in annoyance. "Well, it's just one candy," Mabel reasoned.

"Yeah! I wanna talk to the manager!" Stan placed his hands on his hips.

Thompson glared. "I am the manager! Your family is banned!"

And there they were, sitting on the pavement outside the cinema. Mabel pouted. "No ponies..."

"No explosions," Soos sighed.

That was it. She's not going to let this go any further. Y/n stood up. "Are we just gonna let Thompson do that to us?"

"Yeah! We are not going down like this!" Dipper followed her. "I've got a plan to break in."

The five huddled together and formed a plan to get in. Y/n and Stan dealt with the breaking in part and the distraction to get the other employees to chase them. Soos, disguised as a delivery guy, hauled a huge box with a Dipper inside of it. Dipper managed to reach a panel that controls the displays for the cinemas, including the names of the movies showing.

He deliberately changed one of the movie's titles to " Thompson Drinks Popcorn Butter' with the manager eventually noticing it. "What?! No, I don't! Thompson immediately interjected, stomping towards the cinema in hopes of changing it.

Now the counter was unoccupied, giving Mabel a chance to climb inside a huge case of syrup and began covering herself in its sticky, sugary treat. "This is my favorite part!" She yelled out, not knowing that Thompson was near.


Mabel escaped in time before Thompson could find her, climbing on the walls and across the ceiling until she reached one of the main vents. She managed to open one without the use of any tools, making one wonder if Mabel really had secret super strength or the cinema had just poor maintenance. Y/n was willing to bet on the latter.

The vent from the outside was opened by none-other than the brown-haired gal and that was their cue to climb aboard and went on a journey to the correct cinema where the Pony Heist was showing. Dipper kicked open the next ventilation bars and before they knew it, they landed exactly in the screening room where they got to see the entire view of the movie without the uncomfortable cramped up space.

Gravity Falls: Rewritten!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz