And I was sure of it Lee wouldn't want anything to do with that. Not when he had a father who punished him to the point of bleeding and scarred him for life. Mentally and physically.

That sick fuck.

"How late is it?" Lee's groggy voice guided me back to the bedroom, away from the hateful thoughts that were spawning inside my head. It was then that I noticed I had woken him because of my fingers tracing the lines of his abs. Something I hadn't recalled doing so.

"No clue," I whispered, drawn to his sleepy eyes that peeked through his long lashes. Lee took his phone and squinted at the lit-up screen, his face glowing a whitish blue. "And?"

"Six. I have to go in thirty." My hand raised from his stomach. "Don't, leave it there." Lee encircled my wrist, tugging my hand back to him, then nudged it ever so slightly toward the elastic waistband of his briefs. 

Maybe he was a psychic. It would be less surprising to me than him guessing everything correctly that went through my head. What were the odds of that? Or was I that easy to read? I never saw myself as an open book, I made sure of it to be fully armed to keep everyone as far away from me as possible. But with Lee... it seemed impossible. 

"The fingers felt nice, a good way to wake up," he explained after studying my dumbstruck expression. "I don't mind it as much when you touch me. Not anymore. I like it when you take the initiative." 

"Who the fuck are you?" No seriously? Did he swap minds with Dr. Phil in those two weeks? Or Oprah? 

Lee bit back a snort by burying his teeth into his bottom lip and watched me with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. He looked so much younger like that. 

He took a moment to compose himself from laughing straight into my face, and then said, "Lee. Your supposed enemy who found your P spot yesterday and is going to use it against you. Or abuse it."

"My pee spot?" My brows furrowed, confused as hell about the fuck he was talking about. 

"Your prostate, my dearest." The balls of his cheeks grew.

I felt so fucking dumb right now.

"So that was what that was?"

"You're cute." My face reddened at that and pushed against his chest with both hands to create some distance between us. Lee's smirk deepened as he looked down where my hands sat. "That's new?" He plucked at the silver bracelet with the blue aquamarine.

"Felix gift it to me." I raised my right arm to look at the fine, silver bracelet dangling on my wrist.

"Lix? Why?" Lee couldn't hide the confusion in his voice. He lifted himself with an elbow to rest on his hip and stared at the jewel. Felix was far less chatty than I expected him to be. After we first met at the lobby in the Japanese Alps he did not know what personal space meant, so I would have thought he had talked Lee's ear off since he got back.

"He was at Leviathan for my birthday."

"Alone?" His sleepy eyes blinked animated. 

"I don't think Chan will come and wish me a happy birthday. Yes, alone. I mean, I couldn't tell if he was there for someone else too." I paused, thinking it over. If he hasn't heard about this...the hospital would be new to him as well. "Felix was with Yang Friday night, at the hospital," I threw at Lee. I hoped I didn't sign for Yang's death sentence with this new information. But keeping this to myself felt off too.

"What?!" Lee shot upright, his shirt falling back in place. I internally pouted at that. The whole fucking was still a bit surreal to me, but I couldn't wait to have him completely naked. If that meant on top of me... Maybe, just maybe, I could live with that. "Why?"

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now