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Chan has been all up in my ass since he witnessed me coughing up blood

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Chan has been all up in my ass since he witnessed me coughing up blood. That night, he even grabbed Kim by the neck—which I wasn't aware of that he was a spectator at the fight—to check on me, and it's not his medical field.

I left everyone and everything that night. Just my keys. My car. Back home. The doorman downstairs got instructed to not let anyone come up. Not Chan. Or Felix. Not even my mother who will occasionally come by because she needed something from me.

I told my father I had the flu so I couldn't come by the office in person, worried I would infect someone. So I buried myself in work in the darkness of my office at home to keep my thoughts at bay.

It was effective for as long as it lasted.

Hearing the news I had to help out Min Su with her charity ball was one thing. My father had a knack for publicity stunts. Showing my face was enough for the media to take the bait, there was no actual helping—besides throwing money into the project. But knowing Hwang would be there too was a whole other thing. Anger was still rooted deep in me, that I was afraid I would rip his head off whenever I would see his smug face again.

And then there was this supposed wish he wanted. I swear, this guy was another level of dramatic. It could only be something denigrating. Because it was Hwang we were talking about.

My phone spun in lazy circles, trapped between my thumb and index finger. The screen had flashed on three times by now in fifteen minutes. Chan hadn't stopped calling me. Knowing him, it wouldn't stop with three.

I threw the phone on my desk and turned my chair so I could look at the cityscape in the evening light. Seoul was beautiful at night. The flashing lights. Streets filled with life. Embraced by darkness. And nothing but silence from up here. Nobody grasping for my attention. I preferred the seclusion of the night over the never-ending day.

The buzzing of my phone snapped me out of my trance. The reflection in the window looked tired at me before I twirled my body away from it. BC. Chan definitely had the no-quitters attitude of a boxer, that was for sure.

I stood up, with nothing but my grey sweats on, hanging low on my hips as I grabbed the phone off my desk. In my bedroom, I finally answered him and put him on speaker.

"Fucking finally," Chan greeted me from the bed where I threw him on. "What is your problem, dude? You made me worried sick. Felix can't stop yapping about you. He's in my gym non-stop, and I don't know what to say to him."

My eyes trailed over my half-naked body that was on display in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. The roaming stopped as I reached my chest. "Do you have something important to say?"

"Lee, stop shutting me out. You do this every time.." His voice dimmed at the end of his sentence. He was struggling with the next words. I waited, watching myself touch the attention-seeking scar. "But this time it's different. You really had me worried. That amount of blood wasn't normal, Lee. Have you seen a medical specialist?"

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now